Day Eight: Favourite Internet Friend.

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Dear Candice and Matej,

I met the both of you in 2015 and I'm really glad cause wow 2016 is spiteful.

Candice, I met you in early September when you first started reading my book and left comments everywhere which was really nice and helpful. You've helped me with a lot of things, you've helped me study for my math finals, helped me fix my Star Wars Battlefront (GOd I'm still angry at EA for that bug :-)))))))).), and with so many more problems I've had. Thank you for it all and for evermore. I haven't exactly been the best kind of friend to you but you keep calling me grandpa so good luck and don't expect much :-))))))) I'll see you around, Candy :) P.S. ONE PUNCHHHHHHHHH 

Mat, we met through Kellie in November when we were both added into her group chat. From the moment we met, we instantly became tight. Heck, dude you even called me your Asian twin. But I don't feel that way, I feel like you're the older brother I never had. You've always been there for me, always helping me make sense of things and when everyone in the chat went to sleep, you were always up to keep my lonely ass company. Now, the group chat is officially dead and you knew how much it meant to me, I was always alone and the group made me feel apart of something, when it was gone, I just felt alone again. When Carolina added you into her's, you added me in too without anyone's permission and that made me laugh. Thanks for always being there for me and for being my older European brother.

Love always, 


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