Dear Andy,
We met in the year of 2005 and we were bunched together for six whole years in and out of school. I don't say it much, don't think I ever have but you were my best childhood friend. Reason being that we were both one of the only English speakers in our Chinese school where no one understood us, we were always punished by our teachers, we were always thrown out of class for not "working hard enough", and our mums sent us both to the same god damned tuition-day care centres for what, three years in a row?
We used to get hit by teachers until we cried, we used to rub glue on our hands to make sure the rods wouldn't hurt our hands as bad, you used to come over to my place and eat pizza and play PS1 games with me and my brother, we used to make fun of all the teachers who punished us and the kids who made fun of us. Heck, remember the time we went to this one day care centre with those asshole seniors? The one right opposite of the other Chinese school, Lick Hung, where our mums used to leave us the whole day. We had each other's backs, always conning the bullies and making damn sure they knew who we were, dude we made a name for ourself and showed them that we were a force to be reckoned with!
I still remember the time I was in the library of that tuition centre, challenging our seniors to a game of paper-pen race and you came bounding into the room, letting me know that there was a rat in one of the classrooms and then we ran to that room to check it out with brooms equipped. We never found the rat but it was still fun. Or maybe that other time in the library where I was challenging the seniors to see who could touch the top shelf. All they had to do was tip toe and they could touch it, I however had to jump and you cheered me on. I jumped and a rusted nail wedged in the gap on the bookshelf dug into my skin and tore a line down my arm, you just sprung into action and was the first out the door to get a teacher and some plasters to help me. They didn't help much, but eh, it's the thought that counts.
On the last day of school, primary graduation day, you, the two Seans, Derrick, Matthew, and I opened up our secondary school forms. All of you guys were drafted into great secondary schools near each other, I was the only one sent to a bad school four towns over. That day, I left the auditorium without saying goodbye to anyone. You guys were all busy congratulating one another and hugging each other goodbye, I just slipped out the door unnoticed, got my bag from the classroom and ran to the gates where my mum was. We headed home and that was it. I haven't seen you since that day, I tried messaging you on Facebook two years ago but it seems that you never use it. I have your number and your mum's number but both are out of service. I was with Matthew, one Sean, and some other guys two years ago when we hung out, that's why I wanted to talk to you, I wanted to invite you to hang out with us.
People say that friends who have known each other for six years or more stay together for life, seems like they were wrong. I'm sorry for not saying goodbye, I hope you're having a good life wherever you are right now. I cut myself off from everyone so I don't know where any of you guys are, I see some people here and there but I've never ran into you before. I hope I will someday, until that day comes though, thank you for sticking by me for those torturous six years.
Love always,
Eugene Krabs.
30 Day Letter Challenge
RandomI have no idea what this is about but since you're here, I'm sure you do. This is my 30 Day Letter Challenge and I hope you stalk me all day err day for this. The picture for my cover was stolen off Google and I designed it myself. Read on and enjoy...