6 Facts about me

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Hey guys! I just wanted to tell you guys a little about me.  So here we go.

1)My name is Darae. I actually don't really know how to feel about my name. Sometimes I like it and sometimes I don't. But anyway...

2)I sing. I'm am in 2 choirs right now. I have choir 3 days a week. Neither of them are a church choir. I'm gonna be in and opera.

3) I play the Violin. At my school everyone is required to play a. Instrument and I picked Violin. I just recently had a violin concert and I lead my orchestra.

4) I'm 12 years old. Some people say that I look 14. Which is the truth cause I'm 5'6.

5) I have a A,B average in school. I take school very seriously and it is something that I really don't take for granted. I plan on going to college. I feel like my goal in life is to make my parents proud by going to college. I also want to make sure I have an amazing time in college.

6) I have 4 sibling. 2 brothers and 2 sisters. All of them except for my little sister are Half siblings. I barely see my 2 older brothers but I do see them. I oldest sibling Aundra is my favorite. He's secretly my fave and I'm secretly his fave. I see him more than my other brother... That's part of the reason he is my favorite.

(Me , my oldest brother, and little sister in the pic. I'm the one on the left. )

Plz leave at least 2 facts about yourself in the comments. Vote for the chapters and comment. Also ... Is anyone here a Jelena shipper or once was one? If you are or was plz tell me how you feel about them today. Ik that they aren't dating but I want to know what you guys think. If your not an Jelena shipper  and never was plz tell me how you still feel about them.


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