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We were here.
Finally me and Sam get to meet the people who saved us.
I got to meet Jacksepticeye.
Sam got to meet Markiplier.
But we both got to meet our escape.

Jacks point of view

As I was walking into the stadium I saw the normal screaming crying fan girls, but I saw two girls who were just smiling and waving. The one with brown hair was tearing up. But wasn't going crazy, I saw she had a booper dooper sweatshirt on and hair in a ponytail. She looked pretty, and so did her friend who had long blonde hair with black nerdy glasses and a Markiplier sweatshirt. I got one last glimpse of them and noticed the brown haired girl dip dyed her hair green and her friend dip dyed her hair pink, it was cute.

Time skip

Your p.o.v

It was time. Me and Sam ran inside to get to the front of the meet and greet lines. We separated and said we would meet up at the merchandise corner. I was at least the 10th person in line.
Sam texted me saying she was the 20th person.
Behind me was a little girl who had an over sized Septiceye Sam shirt on and she was holding the Sam plushie tightly. She looked around 12. I looked around and saw Jack standing there waiting for the meet and greet to start. But I realized he was anxious to see someone, he kept eying  me.
But I had no idea about what was going to happen.

And I left you on a cliff hanger
Thanks for reading

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