The real meaning

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I was sitting on the couch after the movie and was just staring at my phone, in a daze, when I felt a shake.

"Gamer! I asked you a question?"
"Oh yeah, what was it?"
"I suspect your hiding something from me. I can tell that's not why your called Gamer. What's the real meaning?"
"Okay, fine. Im called that because of my childhood. When all of that gender role shit was going on, I was more like a boy. And all I did was play sports and video games. But the boys didn't care. My best guy friend, Jackson, understood that I just didn't like Barbie dolls, and pink, and skirts. I would wear sports jerseys instead of kittens on my shirt and shorts instead of dresses and skirts. But the girls were brutal. They would be like: "EW A BOY!" When they saw me. Some of the older kids would say thing like "LESBIAN!" "STUPID ATTENTION SEEKER." and worst of all "YOUR A GIRL! GET WITH THE PROGRAM!".
The teachers would have you be in pairs for projects and if you were a girl you HAD to be with a girl. If you were a boy you HAD to pair with a boy. And when all of my friends were boys, the teacher still paired me with a girl because she thought that the boys would effect my education. When it was really the girls. They wouldn't let me help even when I wanted to because I was weird and I would infect them with a 'sickness' or whatever. But since I mostly played video games, Jackson started to call me Gamer."

Jack stayed quiet. Too quiet.

"You love Jackson, dont you?"
"Yeah. Of course I do. But only as a friend. If we ever dated it would be weird, especially since he's married."

I laughed a little.

"Well you didn't tell me that!"
"You never asked!"

We both were laughing our asses off until I got a call.

It was Jackson.

Gamer (Jacksepticeye x reader)Where stories live. Discover now