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We waited in line for the second time. I felt like these were the same people from yesterday, when really they were all new faces.

I saw Jack walk in and he waved at me. I smiled and waved back. His smile was so cute. I saw Markiplier right behind him. His smile was cute too.

Once again me and Sam planned to meet up in the same place, near the merchandise. I ran to the meet and greet for Markiplier. I was the tenth person in line again and Sam said she was the twentieth again.

I told her to tell Jack that she was my best friend so hopefully they can be friends as well. Sam told me to do the same thing, but to Mark.

Time skip

I was next in line to meet Mark! I was so excited!


I walked up to him shaking so hard I could feel the vibrations of my chattering teeth. Mark pulled me into a warm embrace.

G- hi mark!
M- hello there, what is your name?
G- my name is (y/n) but everyone calls me Gamer
M- why?
G- because I work at a place where I test games before release. I also love video games
M- awesome.
G- yeah. It's pretty cool. Do you know a girl named Sam with long blonde hair and glasses?
M- yes, actually! She came here yesterday. Why
G- oh, she's my best friend. She is meeting Jack soon.
M- okay cool!

Times up!

M- aw man, looks like time is up. Bye Gamer
G- bye Mark!

I gave him one last hug and left. I could see him with the next fan in line. He was so nice.

Gamer (Jacksepticeye x reader)Where stories live. Discover now