We are going to save you

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As soon as we read the note, me and Jack sprinted to the police station.

"We.....need......your.....help." I panted

"Alright what is it about?" the lady at the counter said

"Kelly...Daniels....and.....Jackson." Jack said

"Jackson who?"

"Jackson Landsen." i said

"...." the lady was quiet

"right this way." she said

We were lead to a dark room, almost like the one we were in before.

After we sat down the same investigator came in to question us.

(Time skip cause im lazy af)

"Alright, we have enough evidence. You are dismissed." the man said

"We will save you. I promise" i said to myself

"We will." jack replied

(sorry for the short chapter, I will have another chapter out tonight!)

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