New apartment

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It was Monday already and I went to my new apartment. To my surprise the packages came early. Everything from my photo album to me pillow sheets came!

I heard a knock on the door and u went to answer it. It was Jack!

"Hey Gamer! Or should I say, my new neighbor Gamer!"
"Your rhymes suck" I said reading him.
"Haha, yeah they do." He said blushing.
"Can you help me unpack?"
"Sure. I got my videos done so I'm free all day."

After we unpacked we ordered pizza. We were just sitting on the couch waiting for it to arrive.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked.
"Sure! What movie?"
"I don't know, your the guest! You choose."
" about Scary movie?"
"Sure. I've never seen it before."
Knock knock knock
"Here you put it on I'm going to answer the door."
I ran up to the door starving.
I paid for the pizza and the delivery girl left. There was a not on the box, not the recipe, but a handwritten one.

It read......

Left you on a cliffhanger!
See you in the next chapter!
- Gamer

Gamer (Jacksepticeye x reader)Where stories live. Discover now