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D- what exactly do you have that could lead us to Kelly?
G- We h-have this note. She wrote it by hand.
J- Do you think that will help?
D- Yes! That will help Largely. With this we can run it through the scanner find fingerprints and track her down.
Do you have anything else you would like to address?
J- We are fearing for our lives. The note said that she would kill us. She has killed someone before you know.
D- would you like an officer to stay at your homes? Where do you live?
G- we live at the apartment complex down the street. Our apartments are right next to each other.
D- alright. I will have two officers follow you and get a room across the hall. You are dismissed.
G- alright. Thanks, bye
J- bye.

We left the station and went back to the apartment. On the way there I was thinking how lots of people take stalkers for a joke.
But this wasn't funny.
This was life or death. 

Hey guys! Sorry this is short, I am writing this right before school.
Thanks for reading!
- Gamer

Gamer (Jacksepticeye x reader)Where stories live. Discover now