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I started to freak out.
He remembered.
Why wouldn't he.
And he was with Kelly.
Which was 10x worse.
And they were at our door.

"Oh, Jackyboy! You better open up soon!"
"Oh Gamer! I have to finish what I've started. And we aren't done yet."

I started to feel something. Defiantly not love. Almost the exact opposite. I felt so much rage. Kelly had touched Sean inappropriately. And so did Jackson. But to me.

I was about to walk to the door when Jack stopped me.

"Love, don't respond. Maybe they will leave." He whispered into my ear. I wanted so badly to kiss him right then and there. But it wasn't the appropriate time for that.

We waited five minutes until we saw a note slip under the door, and heard footsteps going down the apartment stairwell.

Just to make sure we saw them get into the car and drive off.

"I hope you get into an accident." I mumbled to myself.
"I thought you and Jackson were friends?"
"Nope. Not after he hit me."

Jack just stood there and stared at me. My tear streaks red with color. But the way he stared at me. It wasn't the look that says 'you deserved it!' It was a look that said 'I will kill his ass and then show you true love.'

And I wanted that.
Not from Jackson.

But from Sean

Gamer (Jacksepticeye x reader)Where stories live. Discover now