Ending p.1

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Jack saw the car too. He decided we follow it. We were a good bit behind and they couldn't see us but we could see them. Mark was in the back crying, still looking back time to time yet not to much to make Kelly suspicious. We also had a few cops behind us (not in uniform so they don't give us away) in case something went down.

Suddenly the car swerved into a steep, narrow ditch and out the other side, Mark and Kelly unharmed. Kelly came out of the car, a bruise or two on her arm but nothing more. She ran to the other side of the car and opened the door. Mark fell out.

One of the cops reached for his gun.
"Not yet." Me and Jack said.
He put the gun back.

Mark was half conscious and he could tell we were there because he gave a little smile.

Kelly dragged him into the woods. We ran across the ditch and to the entrance of the woods.

Then we heard a gunshot.

To be continued.....

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