Will you be my......

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As we drove home I couldn't help but smile at all the couples walking down the street. Hand in hand, because tomorrow was Valentine's Day.

I wanted Jack to be my valentine. But I didn't want to sound needy. At that moment. I heard Jack say something.

"Y/N? Are you okay love?"
"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine."
"I wanted to ask you a question. "
"Ask away. "
"Will you be my valentine. We don't have to be boyfriend and girlfriend if you don't want to."
"S-sure. "
"Is that a yes to both questions?"
"Yeah. What do you wa......."

I saw Kelly walking down the street.
Jack looked concerned as he saw what I saw. Suddenly she went down a dark ally. We didn't even try to follow her.

Jack stepped on the breaks and we drove away.

"Luckily she didn't see us. What were you saying Gamer?"
"Oh. I was asking what you wanted to do. "
"Let's watch movies, eat junk food, and nothing else. "
"Sounds like a date to me. "

Gamer (Jacksepticeye x reader)Where stories live. Discover now