Chapter 2

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The middle of no-where is interesting, or others would call it bland. But I try not to look at the glass have empty, but instead attempt to be positive. So there I stood, in the middle of a dusty road, next to a rusted instrument, which the driver claimed to be a bus sign, but I still had high doubts. I stood there for at least 20minutes with my thumb sticking up, and not one car passed by. I licked my lips, they were dry and cracking painfully, I knew I needed water soon.

Hitching my small bag over my shoulder I started to march down the road, heading in the direction the bus went. My heavy feet smacked the ground with each step, sending clouds of dust around my ankles.

"Howdy lass," A scruffy voice hollered out the window of a dirt covered Chevy truck. "Ya need a ride?"

I stopped in my tracks, glancing up to the owner of the voice, not only was his voice rough and scruffy, but so was his chestnut beard. Hastily, I attempted to gather my thoughts.

                                        Option 1: Run like hell and die of thirst

                                        Option 2: Stand here and scream, die of thirst (or murder)

                                        Option 3: Take the ride and hopefully not get raped (or murdered)

I went with option 3 since the other elections didn't really get me anywhere.

"Do you have a place to stay?" he questioned, causing my eyes to widen at his bluntness. "Not like that!" He exclaimed. "I have a wife and twins, but a lot of kids end up out here. Ya know, the ones that need help, or a'rr different." I nodded my head even though I can't say I understood. Curiously glancing out the window I wondered if he knew just how 'different' I was."Anyways, I thought d'hat if ya need a place ta stay we would offer. We could help out with ya education and get ya back on ya feet."

"Oh," I mumbled, staring at my dusted shoes, feeling slightly foolish for my irrational thoughts. " Uh, that'd be great. Erm, thanks."

"Names Walker Glide, and my family and I live on a farm so if ya stay with us you have to earn ya stay through a few chores. Nothing hard or scary I assure ya." He briefly explained. Before taking a right on a long dirt road that swept over hills with dramatic curves.

Eventually we reached the Glide's house, which was and old, tall, pale yellow building with a wrap around front porch.

A plump woman waving a spatula floundered over to the edge of the porch. Her hair was a light auburn coloured, flourished with white streaks. She had stunning brown eyes that lit up at the sight of me. She chuckled when my eyes looked determinedly at the ground. "Well aren't you a lovely darling!" She was just like the motherly or grandmotherly figures you read about in books.

"Thank you ma'am." I tried desperately to hide my smile.

"And so polite to!" She wheezed clapping her hands, causing the poor spatula to be squished between them every other second or so. "I'd have Anthony or Annakate show you to your rooms but unfortunately Anna is at a slumber party. Oh and Andy is still doing chores, well now, young lady its time for introductions." she stated bluntly. "I am Mrs. Stella Walker Glide."

"My name is Sydan Heart." I replied softly.

Walker lead me up the stairs into an vacant room. The walls were covered with white paint and floral boarders. It had a twin bed in the center north wall just below the window. A trunk sat at the end of the bed and a little dresser in the corner, followed by a Tall glass mirror to the right. Over all it was a very cute little guest room. "So, ya can unpack here. Oh, dinner will be ready in ten minutes, don't forget to wash up."

I rinsed my face, after I discovered the little bathroom across the hall, I searched my face in the mirror. My eyes shone blue, clearer than ever, I brushed my long blond hair and swept my fringe out of my eyes. My hair was not normal either, yes, its blond, but its also pink, most of the time. After tugging the sleeves of my hoodie up I wandered down the stairs, finding the dining room two rooms to the right. I sat down at the little wooden table, not sure what to do, or what to expect.

Dinner looked amazing, stuffed and mashed potatoes, roasted meat, and gravy. Not to mention the vegetables. There was corn, carrots, onions, and celery. I'm pretty sure my eyes were glazing over at the sight. I've never even seen this amount of food on one table at one time. They said a dinner prayer that I didn't know, and then dug in.

About half way through the dinner, a young man with shaggy, carmel hair sweeps into the room. His pants are dust covered as he trudges to the other rooms, probably heading for the stairs. He stops half way in the doorway half way out. He backs up slowly, causing me to choke on my food slightly. He lifts his face up to mine, and I can feel my cheeks burning.

"Another one, ma?" He asked, as if I was a lost puppy, not a human being.

"Hush, hush, you'll find out after you change those clothes."



I climbed up the stairs with a sigh. Mothers always brought home the stray runaways, hoping to find someone different. Someone like "us". Which, lets be honest, always seemed to result in her disappointment, sometimes even leaving her a little depressed.

I pulled off my dusty, chore jeans, only to slip on my nicest pair of jeans. I tugged my shirt off sliding on a maroon tee. I headed down stairs, bracing myself with a fake smile.

I entered the room and took a seat across from the pup.

"Sydan, this is my son Anthony, Andy this is Sydan." Mother squealed. I stuck my hand across the table for Sydan to shake. She looked at it puzzled, before she took it, as if searching for other options. She swept her overlong bangs out of her eyes, revealing more pink behind the blond. Weird I thought, it looked more red than it had a second ago. I dismissed it.

Filling my plate with most food I could manage, as I smiled eagerly. This was one of my favorite meals, looks like I'm not the only one, I thought with a chuckle as I glanced over to where the pup sat.


needs to be edited but o well :) kk im gonna pass out now -_- zzz ps: blankets and pillows r amazing!

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