Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to D.j Dahlberg and his family and friends. Keep them in your prayers


The girl spun around, her face filled with awe. She smiled, sticking her hand out. "Wow your good."

I shook her hand. "Sydan Heart."

"Annakate Glide, I'm Anthony's twin." Oh, well that explains it.



I felt exhausted as I laid down on top of the covers. It was nearly 6:30 am Annakate and I had spent more than an hour talking.

I opened one heavy eye lid and took a deep breath. Food. The mouthwatering smell wafted in my room, filling my nostrils.

"We know your awake!" A tinkling laugh and a rough chuckle followed the statement. I groaned. " You can't put no wool over our eyes!" I pinched my eyes closed preparing for the sudden light. I slowly peeled my eyes open. A metallic tray was placed on my lap. I looked up, mouth a gap, the twins were grinning.

"Mom made breakfast, again. She told us to bring it to you," he said pointing to the tray. Thanks again captain obvious, I thought sarcastically. I tore my gaze away from him, landing it on the tray. Well hello deliciousness! My eyes glazed over again. A butter filled egg sandwich, long strips of bacon, biscuits, orange juice, hash browns, and a rolled up pancake filled with pudding and whip cream and chocolate on top. Oh gosh goodness, if I stay here I will defiantly be gaining some weight.

After stuffing my face I took a nice hot shower shampooing my hair to the tips, singing on the top of my lungs. I combed my hair  and twirled it into a tight bun. I threw on a pair of Annakate's shorts and a 'Mind-freak" off shoulder shirt.

"Wow you look great." I raised an eyebrow, wow really? This kid is just full of excellent bull humor! He blushed, "Anyways, its time for me to show you your chores. Its traditional, you work for your stay." He smiled, "my parents would show you, but they left, urgent meeting at the center."


"It's going to kill me!" I ran and hid behind Anthony. He shook his head, doubling over with laughter. Horses. They came running full board. "Eeekkk! Help!" He held the grain bucket up and shook it. Their pace increased. He spun around and shoved the huge grain bucket at me and jumped back. "What the?" Then I started freaking out, but he refused to take the damn bucket. Seriously, is he trying to kill me? His laughter increased and his shoulders shook.

The horses ran straight for the bucket. I closed my eyes in fear, and much to my surprise I wasn't trampled. Yes, a few were to close for my comfert, some were even nudging me or the bucket. The started grunting and eyeing out the bucket. I looked at Anthony for help, pleading him with my best set of puppy eyes. He shook his head silently pointing towards the huge wooden feeders.

I marched over to the first feeder pouring some into it, Anthony told me when to stop for each feeder. He also said that this way even the horses on the lower end of the pecking order get to eat too. Which in all honesty, I had not a clue what a pecking order even was. Guess that shows my knowledge.

Honestly, I felt proud taking care of the horses in the morning and afternoons. He then showed me the inside of the stable, which is wear the horses will go during a hail storm or before birthing. We cleaned a few stalls while chatting the whole time, grinning from ear to ear.



I let out a toothy grin, she was thrilled about her chores, practically squealing, which even if I haven't known her for that long still seemed out of character. I chuckled at her excitement, it was so cute.

"What are your chores?" I smile.

"I milk the cows and feed the steers."

"What about Anna?"

"Sheep and pigs." She screwed her face up, I smirked attempting to hold my laughter in. "What?"

"You have pigs?" She asked cautiously. I nodded. "That is so snapping cool!" She shouted, screaming on top of her lungs.


so its not that good just sorta a filler that needs to be edited but whatever right? at least its an update :D lol so i want to name my chapters based off my what happens in the chappie so i was in hope of your help! could you help me by coming up with a title? I'll dedicate the chapter to you and if i don't pick yours ill dedicate a different chappie! :) deal?


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