Chapter 3

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Sympathy. It was written across his face, more like an obvious sketch. I hate sympathy, I don't like it when people to feel bad for me, I just want them to understand. I could feel heat flush my cheeks with anger, I could feel the tantrum starting to flit across my features. My eyes narrowing slightly, brows creasing, lips drawing into a hard line, cheeks glowing, and hair streaking crimson. These signs are actually hardly noticeable behind my veil of hair, unless your searching for them.

Releasing an exasperated sigh, I inhale, holding my breath until I cool down.  I shoveled potatoes into my mouth before my mood snap. Yes I'm easily aggravated.

'Andy' gave me a a peculiar look, apparently he had notice my 'elevator' wasn't quit reaching the top floor.

Walker cleared his throat. " So ,Sydan, where'd you come from? If that's not to personal to ask." I shook my head.

I swiped my bangs out of my eyes. " From North Easton City." I replied. I personally don't like to go into details.

"Do you have any siblings?" This time the question came from the son.

I tilted my head, allowing a smirk to slide onto my face. I'll answer him truthfully, but I will leave him only more mystified, a mouth filled with curiosity. "No." Short and sweet, I continued to shove food down my throat at an alarming rate.

"I can't wait for you to meet my daughter!" Stella gushed, attempting to interrupt Anthony's and I's staring contest. I only nodded in reply, I wasn't much of a talker.

The tension surrounding the dinner table was thick, it was so palpable you could probably slice it in half with a knife. Now that would be cool I thought, imagining the table being surrounded by fog and having it split in half.



The air became hot, I felt like I was being wrapped in a blanket, being smothered yet still able to breath and move. The windows were clouded over with fog, it started to haze off the glass, filling the whole room with gloom. Dad's face was shocked, filled with disbelief, whilst Mother's face contained utmost triumph. I shook my head not understanding.

Then the mist was cut in half, like a wire cuts cheese, the two mist-like clouds were separating, then disappeared. I let my jaw hang open and glanced at my Mother who only smiled and directed my gaze to Sydan, who also held the incredulity that my Father and I shared. In fact, the look was mutual to everyone except for my mother.



My fork clattered on my plate loudly. I couldn't believe it, evidently neither could the boy across from me, who kept staring at me. Open mouthed staring, might I add, allowing me to see the mixture of half chewed roast beef.

I scrambled up from my chair dashing out of the room, towards the stairs, only one thought was circulating through my head. 'Now they know I'm a freak!'

I shoved my hood over my head, covering my rapidly changing hair, Indigo, worry, sadness. I threw my suitcase, hence, which I never unpacked, over my shoulder.

I whipped around as I heard someone clear they're throat, it was they're son, I realized through my blurry vision. "Why are you leaving so soon?" Are you kidding me? Is this a joke?

"I don't belong here! I'm a freak." I mumbled the last part.

"Well then, I guess you would consider us freaks too. So maybe, just maybe you do belong here."


sorry wont be able to update until winter, i mean i suppose ill update but it wont be frequent as it will be when its winter aka I'm still in tennis season then its hunting season.... so yeah but ill try

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