Chapter 9 (I ran for it!)

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Third Person

He cleared his throat, taking a sip from the mug of coffee that sat on his desk. Harold had a bland office, it had empty gray walls and gray tile floors. His desk was a rusty metallic off gray. In fact, his room rather reflected his personality. He had a tired saggy face, with a belly that wasn't small either. He wore dull clothing, he wasn't like the other office employees, they were full of colors, and emotions. While Harold felt quite mute to the world, no one never really understood him and he was okay with that. Hardly anybody disturbed him, he was left alone.

"Harold!" He jumped at the sudden commotion, spilling his coffee everywhere.

"What is it boy!" He yelped angrily.

"Uncle, we have a report. This one could actually be important!"

"Get on with it youngster," he sighed exasperated.

"The File says this one is powerful, but she has a gift that -well we're not sure what it is, But it sure is strong!"  Usually Aleck didn't get this excited, but this could mean an entire turn if a war were to break out, which should be very soon. "All we have to do is getter her to join us before they get to her." He started mumbling to himself.

"What's his name?"

"The case is a girl uncle. Sydan, Sydan Heart."



"Aren't you so glad its time for gym? I can't believe he's in our class! He is so cute!" Bryn kept exclaiming while we changed into our gym clothes, which consisted of black mid thigh shorts and one of Anna's red shirts.

I walked over to the full length mirror by the sinks. I grasped the back of my long hair pulling it up into a quick pony tail. I placed my extra blond strands over the coloured ones, this way there wouldn't be need of a white lie, my explanation. I threw on my borrowed sneakers, ready to run my laps.


I was wrong, but this was better. Confused? You'll understand soon.

"Oh. My. G-O-D!" Bryn shook her head vigorously," I can't do this! Isn't this impossible? Its not like those little blue mats are much of a safety precaution! ' lets make the students climb up a rope that's thirty feet high! Don't worry we have these thin flimsy  mats to land on when you break your neck!' I can't believe this!" 

Maybe you guessed it? Yes, a thick rope that hangs from the gym ceiling. Real safe right? I suppose it is, after all the only people who are even capable of coming down that are the only ones who can make it up the rope.

"Bryn! You. Are. Safe." I spoke slowly for her sake. "Bryn, no offense but you probably can't even climb high enough to  actually injure yourself. Seriously, take a breather."


"Sydan Heart!" Mr. Lores voice boomed around the gym, bringing me out of my trance.

I felt a gentle push on my back, stumbling forward I wondered. I wondered how I could so easily let myself slip from reality? I guess I'm just catching up for my lack of day dreams.

I looked around, confused.



Her face was bewildered. I leaned forward, but before I could tell her my goal she jumped back. Her stance was defensive, yet she was balancing her weight back and forth on her toes. It reminded me of a tennis player, never just stand there. She was ready to defend or attack.

I held my hands up in defeat. "Climb." I pointed to the dangling rope.

She nodded in acknowledgment. Taking a few steps back then swiftly breaking into a run. She leaped threw the air, gracefully snatching the rope. She then used the swinging rope's momentum to help her climb, of coarse her muscular arms helped.

She wasn't no body builder, she trained for strength and endurance, not show case muscles. Her body was lean and strong, I thought.

She climbed with ease, this was too natural for her, she even chose the rope that had no knots, the one that would for sure be harder. She laughed as she scaled the cable, this was just childs play for her.

Once she had reached the top she froze, I almost thought that she didn't know how to  down.



Climbing down wouldn't be fun at all, I could do it, but it wouldn't be as boisterous as my plan is.

I clung to the rope with my legs and one hand, using the other to take off my shirt. Cat calls and Mr. Lores's screams echoed off the walls. I finally manage to withdraw my self from shirt, revealing a tank top, see I'm not the slut here?

Shoving my shirt against the rope and placing my hands over it tightly, I freed my legs, flailing them to the side. From there I slid down the rope at a frightening speed, the class held there breath, then at the last moment I jumped landing perfectly on one of the mats.

I heard the angry breathing and jumped back, spinning in the process. It was the fat gym teacher, he looked like he could kill a person. He glared at me, blood thirsty lust in his eyes. I ,after all, had just performed the most amazing, chaotic, and distressing thing in his class. In fact, I'm guessing he has never seen a stunt that astonishing in his life. Its not like it was as amazing as I made it out to be, but seeing the way this guy is, it just might have been that glorious.

Lets just say I ran for it. Which probably didn't help matters. I could feel my see through top riding up my stomach. I kept running. Maybe I freak out about little things, but I never take a chance on my safety unless I feel I don't have much of an option. And right now my brain is just addled.

Option 1 : either I'm running away from an angry gym teacher who wants to report me.

Option 2 : I'm running away from a rapist. (Highly doubted)

Option 3 : I'm running away from nothing. ( very likely)


So, as it turns out, It was option number three. Surprise! Though I still say the fat enchilada is a pervert! Time to face facts people, or maybe I should face reality? Nah, that is not an option.

I really need to get my head in the game. Time to attempt to act normal.


Hello lovelies! unfortunately my story has been kicked off the list ...oh well just means there are more amazing stories for me to read! :) anyways ur support is greatly appreciated!

thank you so much for reading!

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