Chapter One

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Chapter one

♡Darcy Winters♡

It was still hard for me to believe the fact that my parents had made a final decision about moving without even mentioning it to me. I had been laying in my new bed for over an hour, refusing to talk to my parents. They kept making the same excuse, 'We did it for you honey! We want you to have bigger options!' I could tell they were lying, I had told them about my plans. I was going to go to vet school and train to become a Veterinarian using money from kick boxing tournaments and a small day job to pay it off. I was a good student and I had a set plan! I really don't understand why my parents had disagreed. Why did it even matter? It was my life so why did they get to decide how to screw it up? 

I took a deep breath and kicked the covers off of my bed. I looked out my window and saw unfamiliar land. I turned away from my window and changing into a pair of Nike shorts and a tank top pulling my sneakers on over my socks. Plugging my ear buds in and sticking them into my ear I then grabbed a twenty dollar bill which I stuck in my workout case for my phone. I strapped it around my arm before cranking up the song Taller Stronger Better by Guy Sebastian. I jogged down the stairs, ignoring my parents as they tried to get my attention. Maybe I was being rather immature, but I didn't care. 

I walked right out the door and broke into a run. I needed to clear my head, and a nice long run would be perfect. 

I wasn't a person who would do a five mile run everyday, but I liked to do a good run at least once a week. The beach was maybe a mile from my house and when I reached it I couldn't help but smile. No matter how much I hated this place, the beach was pretty cool. 

Being me, instead of checking out all of the seriously good looking guys I saw a dog. One of the very reasons it caught my eyes was because everyone did their best to stay as far away from it as possible. And whenever it tried to approach someone they would yell at it, or even throw something at it. I frowned really bothered by it, did no one have a heart around here? 

The poor thing looked starved, I walked closer and I was able to pin point the breed easily. Pit Bull. Was I scared of it? No, it actually made me angrier that people were treating it this way. They might have done it anyway, no matter the breed, but Pit Bulls had a bad reputation. I pulled my iPhone off of my arm and got the twenty dollars I had stored in the case. 

I walked over to the nearest food stand, "And what can I get you, young lady?" The man asked.

I couldn't help but smile, "Could I get four hot dogs, three bags of chips and five bottles of water?"

The man looked pretty astonished but nodded and got my order together. The price came out just under twenty dollars and I smiled glad I had done my math correctly.

"Oh! Um, do you have a bowl or something I could borrow for a short while?" I asked, he gave me another odd look before going under his cart and pulling out a small metal bowl. "Perfect! Thank you so much." I said with a smile and I headed over to where I had seen the dog last. I smiled when I saw he was still there. Ignoring the weird looks from passers by, I sat down on the ground setting the tray of food in front of me. 

Now people were full on watching me, I picked up a hot dog and tore a good sized piece off. I tossed it towards the dog and it happened to land a foot or two away. The dog hesitated a moment before attacking the bite of hot dog. I smiled and tore an equal sized piece off and tossed it, but not as far as before. The dog didn't hesitate this time and trotted up to the hot dog piece swallowing it quickly. 

This time the dog looked up at me, and I tossed him another piece. Noticing I was there he was hesitant to come closer but he did and ate the piece of hot dog. I rolled the last quarter of the hot dog three or four feet away from me, and then I grabbed the bowl and a water bottle. I emptied two of the water bottles, not paying attention to the dog. 

I figured if I pretended I didn't notice the dog, it would make her (just a guess of mine) more confident. When I looked up she was standing close to two feet away, I smiled "Good, girl. You want some more hot dog?" I asked softly, picking up one of the other hot dogs and tearing it in half. I held it out in the palm of my hand. I could feel eyes boring into my skull. What was the big deal?! 

"Good girl, it's okay. Good girl." I cooed urging her to come closer, it was a slow process, but I was patient. "That's a good girl." I sighed as she ever so gently took the hot dog out of my hand and backed away scarffing it down without chewing. 

"You want some water?" I asked her, moving the bowl closer to her. She was still very hesitant but she eventually came. 

I ended up feeding her all of the hot dog, two bags of chips and she finished the water that I had placed in a bowl. I didn't have a collar or leash with me and I doubted anyone would lend me anything. The only thing I had that she would want is the bag of chips. I didn't even know if she would follow me and the bag of chips might not even make it the mile it took to get home. 

I bit my lips trying to think, but I was all out of ideas. My shoe laces? It was my only hope. I untied each shoe and took the laces off as quickly as I could. Making a loop and tying the two strings together I opened the last bag of chips and took several out holding them in my hand. The moment she began eating the chips I slipped the make shift leash over her head. As soon as she felt it around her neck she began to freak and I quickly dumped the bag of chips out on the ground. It didn't stop the struggle immediately but once she realised there was food for her to eat she stopped. 

I sighed in relief, "That's a good girl, Angel. Good girl. Good girl." I repeated and held my hand out, hoping she would let me pet her. She sniffed my hand and began to lick it, I laughed "Do you still taste some chips on there?" I spoke like I would speak to a baby, reaching out to rest my hand under her hand. It was the safest option, I didn't want to try and pet her head because it might have freaked her out. 

Looks like I have already made a friend.


this was a very uneventful and sort of boring chapter
but please give the story a chance! 
I can promise the next chapter will be much much better~ 

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