Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

♡Darcy Winters♡

It took me over an hour and a half to get Angel home. I had to buy another bag of chips with the last of my money otherwise we wouldn't have made it. Once I got Angel in the house with a bowl of food (which consisted of any and all meat I could find in the house) and water, I tried to figure out what I was going to do with her. 

She obviously didn't like people, so I would have to introduce my parents slowly like I had done myself. I also needed to go out and buy her dog food as well as a dog kennel for when I wasn't home to take care of her. I already had a dog collar and leash that would work for now. I smiled when Angel found the pile of blankets I had laid on the floor for her. She seemed to be adjusting faster than I expected, she must have lived in a similar home before they had dumped her. I went into the closet and found the dog collar and leash. I didn't need the leash right now, but I would try to put the collar on her. 

Going into the kitchen I found some crackers and grabbed them before I went into the living room to see Angel fast asleep. I sat down on the floor and scooted over to her holding out the collar, she looked at me for a second before resting her head back down and closing her eyes. I took it as an okay and wiggled the collar under her chin clicking it around her neck. She didn't even react. "Well done, good girl!" I praised caressing her head.

I wanted to let her rest, but if I wanted to keep and take care of her I would need to find a job. And fast. She'll just have to stay in my room for a little bit...It is pretty much empty right now so it's not like she could destroy anything. I thought to myself. That was my only option, "Angel. Here girl." I called, she didn't respond, I put my fingers up to my mouth and whistled, her head shot up so fast I laughed, "Good girl. Want some more crackers?" I asked shaking the plastic. 

Angel got up and trotted over, though her tail was still between her legs, "Good girl, c'mon. I need to move you into my room." I explained, not that she could really understand me. I lead her upstairs giving her a cracker every once in a while until we reached my room. I shut the door behind me, "That's a good girl, Angel. I am going to throw everything into that closet just in case." There was really nothing but I grabbed my laptop, along wih any electronics or wires, stuck them in a box and put them in the closet. I also grabbed my pillow and blanket but left the sheets.

Once I was pretty sure it was safe I gave Angel a few more crackers, then I changed into a pair of jean shorts and a teal top. "I have to go out for a bit, okay? You stay here and take a nap. And please behave." She gave me a curious stare, I smiled and scratched behind her ear before grabbing my purse and phone and shutting the door to my room.


I walked around town for nearly two hours. No luck. This was seriously harder than I had expected it to be. No stores were looking for anyone. UGH! Why me? I decided to give up on the job search when I noticed a quaint Pet Store, I decided to go look around for a bit. It wouldn't hurt. I stepped in and it was pretty quiet until I heard a crash in the back, "No! Grab him!" "Oof!" "Dammit Jamie!" I slowly went to the back.

I saw two boys around my age along with an older man and woman. I noticed they seemed to be trying to corner something. I frowned and walked closer, whatever they had cornered saw a gap and bolted between their legs. It was a little piglet!

WIthout even thinking I dropped and wrapped my hands around it picking it up. I sat up and pulled it close to my chest giving it my thumb to suck on. Then I remembered the other people and looked up to see them watching me, "Oh, I, uh, sorry." I apologized standing up, "I'm Darcy, I didn't mean to intrude."

"Oh no, if you hadn't of we would have never caught him. We've been chasing him around for the last fifteen minutes." The woman explained.

"Well I'm glad I could help." I laughed a little nervously,

"We could use a hand like yours around here." The older man complimented.

I decided to take my chance, "Well, I am new to town and I've been looking around for a job." 

"Well then it works out perfectly! Could you start tomorrow?"

It was working out better than I had imagined, "Of course! I didn't catch your names though." I pointed out nicely,

"Oh! Good heavens how rude of me! I am Hannah, these are my two sons; Peter and Jamie, and my husband; Charles." Hannah seemed really nice, both sons were rather attractive, and the one called Peter seemed to know it. 

"Thank you Hannah! It was really lovely meeting you, I guess I'll see you tomorrow." I waved good bye. I had stayed and chatted with the mother longer than I had meant to. Poor Angel must be freaking, and my parents, had they found her yet? I bet my parents were freaking out.



if you are still reading I really hope you and enjoying yourself

the next chapter will (probably) be more of Peter and Darcy

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