Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

♡Darcy Winters♡

 The first day of a new school. One of the many things a teenager hated most. I had never actually been in a situation like this, and I didn't think I ever was. But here I was, and I hated it. 

Shouldering my back back a took a deep breath and shut my car door, locking it behind me. I had stayed up most of the night before remembering directions and the numbers of the classrooms. I didn't want to be like one of those common new kids who where shy, weak, and had no idea where they were going. I hated feeling helpless, and I had always figured that was one of the reasons I didn't believe in love. 

Taking a deep breath I headed up to the school. Walking in it wasn't an unfamiliar sight to see. In a way it was a lot like my old school - full of idiots. My locker should be just around the corner... I thought to myself. I smiled when I found the correct number 532. I turned the correct locker combination and made sure I only had the books I needed for my morning classes.

"Well, well, well. You just can't stay away, can you?" A familiar voice rung in my ears. I shut my locker and turned to see the one and only Peter, I noticed he had a nice little posse behind him. "Yeah you wish, but it looks like you are the one who came and found me. I'm pretty sure you are the one who can't get enough of me." I teased, I let my eyes trail down his torso, his shirt was nice and tight fitting, pleasant for the eyes.

"I really wish I could stay, but I don't want to be late for my first class. I like to be on good terms with my teachers." I brushed past him throwing my bag over my shoulder and flipping my hair just for dramatic effect. "Didn't mean to hold you up goody-two shoes." I heard him call behind me, I didn't turn around I just stuck my middle finger in the air and heard a nice rippling laugh from his friends. 

"Were you actually talking to Peter Graves, just now?" I looked down at a rather short girl with messy brown hair, "Sadly, I was. Why?" I asked giving the girl a friendly smile, "He is one of the most popular and attractive guys that East High! And I just watched you brush him off your shoulder like an ant! I don't mean to sound stalkery...but anyway! Any girl at this school would kill to be in your spot." She went on and I could only laugh, "He really isn't all that great, he's a real pain in the ass. I'm Darcy Winters, by the way." I introduced myself, "I'm Jessica Alrumb." She smiled. 

We talked back and forth on our way to class, and it turned out we have all of our classes together. Which I thought was nice, she was a genuine person, and I enjoyed that about her. She did like to talk a lot, but it didn't bother me. Once we reached English class - our last class until lunch - a very unpleasant voice sounded and spoke to Jessica.

"Hey, nerd girl." She sneered in a very nasally voice, "did you get my book report done?" I looked over at Jessica, who looked like she wanted to crawl into a hole and never come back out, "I-I-I, u-um, n-n-not yet-t-t." She managed to stutter out, and the Blondie id not seem happy with the answer. "I told you to get it to me by today! Can you not take a simple order you worthless-" "Hey." I interrupted, "I really don't appreciate the way you are speaking to Jessica." I said firmly, but coolly. "And who do you think you are to stop me, huh?" She snarled back in response snapping her gum inches from my face.

"Last I checked I was Darcy Winters, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be your worst nightmare, unless you back off, bitch." The Blondie was  almost a head taller than me, but the size of an enemy didn't matter. It never did to me anyway. "I'd watch you step, Winters. Cause I can easily make your life a living hell." She snapped, and I could only smirk, "Try me." I said before turning me back on her, and I took my seat in the back of the room with Jessica claiming a seat beside me. 


"Are you mad?!?"  Jessica finally said while we left the class room after giving me a very astonished look for the whole class period. "Uhh, no?" I said hoping it was the right answer. "You are unbelievable! You have a conversation with Peter Graves, and are on seriously bad terms with Amberly Jones. All in your first morning!" 

"Jessica, you are acting like I just landed on the moon without wearing a space suit. They are people, I really don't see the big deal!" I shrugged, as I began heading to an empty table, but Jessica grabbed my arm, "What are you doing?" She asked , sometimes this girl was...odd. "I was going to sit down, but if you would rather eat standing up..." I said trailing off, "What? No! That is Peter and his gangs table! We can't sit there!" 

"Jessica! For crying out loud! It is a table, no ones name is on it. They just think it's theirs, this school is more about their cliques and shit than my old one. Let's go, we are going to sit down." I said and sat down at the table, Jessica must have felt like she had no choice because she sat down with me and I smiled triumphantly. "Thank you." 

"I'm sorry sweetheart, but I'm pretty sure that is my seat." Peters voice came right next to my ear, "Aw, I'm sorry, babe! But it looks like you and your posse were a little too slow." She said giving him a very insincere smile. And there was Jessica again, giving me the 'Are you insane?!?!?' look. "Well it's your choice you can move or you can sit in my lap." He offered acting like he was being fair. "I'm not moving." I said stubbornly, and popped a french fry into my mouth. "Well then." He said he picked me up by my underarms and moved me as her sat down then set me in his lap. "You left me no choice." 

"Hey, hey, hey! I am giving you the privilege of me on your lap, the deal never said anything about you eating my food." I said slapping his hand away. "You are a terrible person, you know that Darcy Winters?" He complained, "If  am so terrible why hang around me?" I retort dipping a french fry in my ketch and bringing it to my mouth, but Peter thought it be funny if he took it from me and eat if himself. "I hate you." I mumble, "I know." He said with a smile. "Ready to go Jessica?" I asked, she looked at me with wide eyes and nodded frantically, I laughed. "Okay then, have fun with the rest of my food, Peter." I say getting up. "Aww, you're leaving so soon?" He pouted, "Yes, and I wish I had left sooner." I replied grabbing my bag and began walking as Jessica scrambled to catch up.


"Oh, Jessica, I have to go to work, but do you want to come over to my house tonight for dinner? We could work on the math homework or just have a party." I offered as we left our last class. "Really?!?" She smiled looking like a child in a candy shop, I smiled. "Why not? My parents won't mind, here lemme see your phone." I said and she took it out, I entered in my contact information, "Now I gotta go, check with your parents and text me when you get the okay!" I said as I walked down to my car. I have to say, today was a pretty successful first day.

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