Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to Kelsey Scott

A/N-So, I realize that this story starts out slow, but that mostly due to me having to slow it down because before it got to the main plot too quickly. So please just bear with me here, okay? :D By the third chapter it gets into some of the more important crap, but right now it needs to be slow to show her life before it gets turned upside down. Thanks! 

Chapter One

"Ronnie, you're going to be late!" a familiar voice enters my dreams, forcing me to lift my heavy lids and exit the world of foggy sleep. It takes me a couple of moments to get my bearings, as it often does in the morning, and realize that I have approximately ten minutes to be ready and in the car. I can hear my mom beginning to climb up the stairs, probably prepared to whack me over the head a couple of times, but I'm up and going through my morning routine before she has the chance. "Ronnie, get up or-" My mom breaks off mid-sentence when she sees me dressed and brushing out my hair. 

"I heard, Mom," I say, smiling, "I'm guessing you're my ride today?"  

Mom nods with her surprised expression still gracing her face, and after a few seconds, makes her way back downstairs. 

Dropping the act that I've been up for a while, I start to rush through everything, stuffing my unfinished work and unread books into my slightly oversized messenger bag. Soon I'm in the car to school, dreading first period, the only class I had homework in, which means no time to make it up before it's time to turn it in. 


School starts off as normal; I meet up with my friends, don't eat breakfast, and finish up homework I am supposed to have done the night before. I get pushed around a little by the kids who usually pick on me, but nothing as bad as it was at my old school. There I'd actually gotten bruises, here it is mostly just talk, and talk I can deal with. 

"Ronnie," a recognizable voice calls out; it's Max, warding off the bullies. Thank the holy, amazing lord that he's coming to the rescue. "Are you okay?" He asks, and I nod, my usual response to that same question, often asked around this time of day. A stern look comes over his face, "Don't lie to me, Veronica, you know you can tell me."  

"Fine, I'm just getting sick and tired of being pushed around when I haven't done anything. Next time it happens I might not need you as my savior," I smile lightly and he grins back, probably just happy he can cheer me up. 

"Well, you should learn to stand up to them; you can't just let yourself be bullied. I know you want to be all independent, and say you don't care to seem tough, but let's face it, you hate it, your friends hate it, and it needs to stop. It's not healthy for you," Max's smile drops and mine does as well. I look down.  

"I'll be fine; it's not a big deal, if it ends up being something worth caring about then you can train me in whatever martial art it is that you specialize in." I bargain, and Max reluctantly nods, agreeing to my almost certainly unfair terms, considering I tend to use excuses like this a lot. 

"Well, we have to get to class," he says, just as the annoyingly loud bell rings from the speakers. We walk through the hallway together, and soon enter English, which, in my view, is a pointless class. There really isn't much to teach us about writing anymore, and that is really the only thing I am interested in.  

Mrs. Delacourt struts in, wobbling slightly in the too-tall heels. It's a well-known fact that she flirts with all the male students; this school isn't exactly the best place to get an education. "Class, sit down, please," she requests, and all but two of the students comply. "Now, Jessica, Mark, sit down," the teacher glares at Max's brother and his girlfriend. "Today, we will be watching documentaries on survivors of the Holocaust, listen carefully, and if I hear a single joke you all will get detention,"  

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