Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

“Hey, wake up,” Dane’s groggy voice wakes me and I moan, snuggling deeper into whatever pillow I’ve suddenly acquired. “You do realize who that is, right?”

I open my eyes and they widen when I realize I’m cuddling into Dane’s chest. When did that happen? I think, not too surprised. It’s happened before. Dane and I have been friends since just after Serena and me, sharing a bed isn’t too awkward anymore. “Um, I’m guessing you didn’t do this,” I say lamely. “What time is it?” I’m still half asleep and not truly seeing or caring about the situation at hand.

“Its 9:34,” Dane says as I move off of him slowly, rolling onto my back. “I’m so glad it’s a Saturday, we can sleep in.”

“Well, you can, you’re sick; I’m the one who’s going to have to take care of you.” I roll my eyes, sitting up and popping my back. “Ugh,” I whine, falling back, my head landing on Dane’s torso.

“You don’t have to take care of me.”

“If I don’t, who will? You refuse to admit you’re even sick, and you shouldn’t be getting up in the first place.” I point out. If he’s up and around the flu will only last longer.

“Fine,” Dane mumbles, taking a strand of my hair and messing around with it, “How do you even have auburn hair? Your mom and dad are dark haired,” he observes.

“I haven’t ever really thought about it before, I just ignored it, I guess,” I say, not really thinking more on the subject.

“Well, do you want to go hang out with Serena now? That’s what you were originally going to do, right?” I nod, but then I think of Max.

“I’ll just check in and see what’s going on, I don’t want to interrupt whatever her and Max have been doing,” I get back up and go to the door, taking a last look at Dane, who gives me a small smile, before I slip into the hall.

Serena’s door is closed, which usually means she’s in there with someone, in this case I suspect Max, unless he actually left last night. I doubt he left. I open the door silently and peek in. Sure enough the two of them are there on Serena’s bed, still sound asleep. I roll my eyes and close the door, padding back to Dane’s room. I’d rather be with my single buddy than with two cuddling lovebirds.

“They’re cuddling, like I thought, I’m going to regret not letting you kill Max. They’re going be all lovey-dovey, I just know it,” I grumble, slouching onto the bed. “Do you happen to have an ax around here? I might have to cut them apart,” I roll and look to Dane. I really wish that Serena had at least told me, I know she’s a rather private person, but she’s been my best friend since I moved here. I’m not saying I don’t think she trusts me, I just thought that she’d tell me if she liked someone, especially if they’re a friend of mine.

“There are some huge knives in the kitchen, you’re welcome to use them,” Dane smiles. “Of course, I don’t think Serena would be too happy with you.”

“That’s fine, especially if she gets really mad. I’d love to see that again, wouldn’t you?” I say, smiling mischievously at the memory of Serena’s face, red with anger, screaming her lungs out at a boy who had accidentally brushed her butt in middle school at an assembly. Of course, Serena and I had suspected that it was on purpose, and I still think that even though we’re now fairly good friends with the guy.

“No way, it’s been directed at me too many times for me to enjoy it,” Dane shook his head, looking somewhat fearful of Serena’s anger and its consequences. “I think my mom dropped Serena a couple of times when she was a kid, otherwise she might be half sane.”

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