Chapter 46

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"I look like a balloon about to pop." I complain sitting down next to Riker looking down at my 8 months pregnant belly. Riker laughs, "well you better not pop just yet." "See even you agree i'm fat now!" I exclaim. Riker laughs again, "I never said that, besides you're not fat you're pregnant." "same thing." I grumble. "Not really fat people have a choice, you don't." "just shut up, I want to win this argument." I mumble. Riker chuckles and looks at my stomach, "does he ever kick?"

Yes its a boy, Riker and I went to the doctor awhile back and ta-da, its a boy! We still have no idea for names though. I nod, "all the freakin time! Seriously he's gonna be a soccer player or something!" Riker laughs, "and why have I never felt this?" I shrug, "because you're never there." Then I feel it, someone inside of me kicking my stomach. It hurts but not much and not enough for me to complain. I grab Rikers hand and place it on the stop our baby boy kicked.

Riker looks at me questioningly then grins, "that's him?" he asks. I nod and Rikers grin grows wider, "wow it makes it even more real, like I don't know how to explain it but it seems so real now." I laugh, "that's how I've been feeling for the past 4 months!"

We are interrupted by a very frantic Hannah walking into the room (well more like skipping then walking the running then stopping and starting all over again), "its tomorrow, Ross and I are getting married this is actually going to happen! I can't believe this!" Hannah exclaims bouncing in place were she's standing.

I stand up and walk over to her, I put my hands on her shoulders, "Hannah, Hannah, breath! In, out, in, out, in, out. Ok good now calm down ok?" Hannah takes a few deep breathes and stops bouncing, "thanks I think I was about to have a nervous breakdown." I laugh, "I know the feeling." "oh yeah you've been married." "no duh! I am carrying Rikers baby, I wouldn't if we weren't married and I can't see my god damn toes!" I mutter looking at the ground but only seeing my giant stomach.

Hannah laughs, "it'll probably happen to all of us." "you and Ross are gonna have a kid?" I ask. Hannah shrugs, "dunno most likely, just not right now. I don't think Ross is ready for that I mean he's still kind of a kid himself." I laugh, "to true, you know what would be funny? You tell him you're preggers and freak him out." Hannah laughs, "that would be hilarious, but also kind of mean I would think." I sigh, "Hannah, Ross has thrown you into a pool with all your clothes on, he dropped you into the ocean on your date awhile back, he deserves it."

Hannah laughs, "I remember that date, it was fun until he dropped me, but hey I got more kisses by acting mad at him after that." Hannah wiggles her eyebrows at me and walks out of the room looking (slightly) calmer then when she walked in. I look over at Riker who's been watching us with an amused smile, "well that was entertaining." he says.

I laugh, "she was freaking out! I had to help, besides I am hilarious." Riker stands up and kisses my cheek, "sure you are sweetie." when Riker steps back I snap my fingers in a Z formation and say, "don't you sweetie me young man!" with a little head roll for good measure. Riker just laughs and walk out of the room, "yeah that's right! Leave your pregnant wife all alone were someone could kidnap her!" I yell after him.

Ross pokes his head into the room, "you're in our living room, you know that right?" I glare at him and stomp out of the room. I walk into the kitchen and see Katie and Ryland lip locked at the table. I grab a newspaper and smack Ryland on the back of the head with it, "get a room!" I yell. Ryland glares at me while rubbing the back of his head. Katie raises an eyebrow at me, "are you feeling ok Nova? You're kind grouchy." I shake my head and smile at them, "what do you mean? I feel fine." Ryland shakes his head and takes Katies hand, "come on I don't wanna hang out with a grouch." they walk up the stairs and I sit down at the table.

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