Chapter 45

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"Ross! Stop with the creepy questions! Why do you even want to know!" I exclaim turning around and looking at Ross who's been following me around MY house asking me weird questions about my pregnancy. Ross blushes and looks at the ground, "I'm just curious, no reason really. Sorry." Ross mutters and I put my hands on my hips. "yeah, sure. It's nothing, Ross Lynch tell me what it is!" Ross crosses his arms, "I'm an adult I don't have to tell you anything!" I give him my best 'i'm older so do as I say' stare and say, "do you want me to set Riker on you?" Ross shakes his head quickly. "then tell me whats wrong!"

Ross blushes and mutters something I can't hear, "what?" I ask leaning forward. Ross looks up, "I did it with Hannah and i'm not sure if she's pregnant." "so why don't you buy a pregnancy test?" I ask. "wait there're pregnancy tests?" I snort and nod really slowly, "yes Ross, there are. Now stop asking me questions and get out of my house! Why are you hear at 7;30 anyway?" I ask looking at a clock. Ross shrugs, "I woke up and no one else was awake, or didn't want to get up so I came over here." "why'd you wake up early?" I ask because Ross is a notorious late sleeper. Ross shrugs, "I don't know I just did, or maybe it was because Hannah pushed me off the bed and I hit the floor hard." Ross says rubbing the back of his head with a wince.

I snort and start pushing Ross down the stairs and towards the door, "well whatever just leave, Rikers not even awake and it would be weird if the others found out you came over to talk to me." "why would that be weird?" I roll my eyes and push Ross outside, "Think about it!" I snap then slam the door in his face. Ok, maybe that was a bit harsh but hey he was annoying me. Yeah that was most likely baby hormones, oh well.

I walk back upstairs and see Riker staring out the window, "why did Ross just drive off?" he asks. I shrug and say nonchalantly, "cuz I kicked him out." Riker laughs, "why was he here?" "he was asking me weird questions about what its like being preggers." "why?" I shrug again, "he thinks Hannah MIGHT be pregnant." "REALLY!?!" I nod, "yeah but he doesn't know for sure cuz he for some reason didn't know there are such things as pregnancy tests, did  you by any chance drop Ross on his head when he was little?" I ask. Riker laughs then says, "there was this one time." I laugh and stand next to Riker looking out of the window.

"Riker." I mutter. "yeah?" he asks. "how would you feel about," I pause all serious like and Riker asks, "about what?" "making me breakfast?" Riker looks at me, "that's seriously what you were going to ask?" he asks. I nod and grin at him, "yup, so how about some pancakes, i'm really hungry." I say rubbing my belly.

Riker sighs, "fine, but I don't see why you can't make your own pancakes." I smile and pat my belly again, "because i'm pregnant duh!" Riker rolls his eyes and I grin then sit down at the table, "now cook!" I demand even though i'm laughing, Riker smiles at me and starts cooking.

After breakfast (which was delicious by the way!) we got dressed and drive to the other Lynchs' house. When we walk in Ross immediately grabs my hand and pulls me away, "ADIOS OTHER PEOPLE!" I yell before I get whisked upstairs. Ross looks at me, "I just wanted you to know Hannah isn't pregnant." "good for you?" I ask looking at Ross' relieved expression. Ross nods, "yes very good, very very good." I laugh, "well ok then, now can I go talk to the others." Ross nods, "sure, go ahead I wasn't stopping you." I laugh, "you basically kidnapped me, yeah you were." "whatever." Ross says giving me a look.

I just shake my head and walk down the stairs, "hey hey ma peeps." I call walking into the living room. "what are you some famous rapper?" Rocky asks. I give him a mysterious look, "I could be, you never know." Rocky rolls his eyes, "suuuurrrrrreeee." I punch his arm and sit down next to him and Riker, "you never know! I could go all Lady Gaga and wear wigs and wild clothes so you don't recognize me!" Riker starts laughing when I say that. "what?" I ask. "it's just funny to imagine you in like a meat dress or something!" Riker says in between laughter.

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