Chapter 71

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Rker, Rocky, and Ross stare at Kelly and i vaguely recall Riker telling me that Kelly and Ratliff had kind of been a thing even though the whole fandom thought they were dating but then Rydel and Ratliff happened and they kind of cut off connection, which i can easily see why. It's been silent way to long so i finally cut in with a smile, "Hi i'm Nova, Rikers wife. I've heard of you but we've never actually met." Kelly smiles, "Hi! I would introduce myself but.... yeah." I laugh and Ross finally manages to say, "so how've you been, its been what? 11, 12 years? maybe more?" Kelly shrugs, "All I can say is that it's been awhile and i'm good! Still single, i've been looking for the right guy and you have no idea how hard that is!" 

"well i wish you good luck!" Ross says with an uncomfortable laugh. "oh by the way, i'm Hannah! Ross' wife!" Hannah says bouncing forward. Kelly says high and Liberty introduces herself as well. We stand there kind of talking about random stuff for awhile until Kelly asks how the others are. "Why don't you come over to Nova and I's house we can invite everyone over and you can see for yourself." Riker says.  

Ross, Rocky, Hannah, and I all turn and stare at Riker. Finally i grab his arm and yank him away from the group, "what are you doing!?" I hiss, "Kelly and Ratliff had a thing! Then Rydel came in! Do you know how awkward that will be!?" Riker stares at me before wincing, "omigod, i didn't mean to! Aww man, i screwed stuff up!" I shake my head, "well its to late now, we've got no other choice." Riker winces and we walk back to the others. 

Kelly smiles at us, "i'd love to that would be awesome! Ok and i've been trying to be polite and not ask, but why are you all blue?" Hannah snorts and Liberty starts giggling uncontrollably. Ross glares at us before turning back to Kelly, "food coloring in a pool." Kelly snorts  but hides it as Ross shoots her a death glare. "sorry, not funny." she says quickly. Ross nods, "that's what i thought." We walk back to the car and drive to Riker and I's house. I'm making calls to everyone and by the time we get there they're pretty much all there, well beside Rydel and Ratliff. 

Everyone walks inside and Liberty is introduced and Kelly is reunited, everyone is REALLY shocked to see her and a few people seem kind of nervous about when Rydel and Ratliff show up, i can't really judge though. I'm sweating like a pig! We all crowd into the living room and talk for a few minutes, or until my front door flies open and Rydel strikes a pose and Ratliff yells out, "The intertainment has ARRIVED!!" everyone bursts out laughing except for Kelly who, i notice, is busy staring at Ratliff, eyes wide mouth slightly open. 

Ratliff and Rydel walk farther into the house, Rydel doesn't notice Kelly and sits down on a recliner but Ratliff freezes, his eyes locked on Kelly's. Riker leans over and whispers  in my ear, "Well this is awkward." "I told you!" I hiss. Riker gives me a 'whatever' look and returns to watching Ratliff and Kelly. Ratliff steps forward and chokes out, "K- Kelly?" Kelly stands up and I notice Rydel look up in horror. Ratliff takes another step  towards her, "Is that really you?" Kelly nods, "Last time I checked, yeah." "wow...." Ratliff drifts off and they just stare at each other.

Suddenly Ratliff snaps his gaze away from hers, "It's nice to  see you again, it's been so long." Kelly scratches the back of her head, "yeah over 10 years." "wow, well I can say you haven't changed at all." Kelly flushes and looks back up and Ratliff, "nice mustache by the way." Oh yeah I forgot, Ratliff has a mustache now, its really cool! He styles it so it curls at the tips. Ratliff grins and strokes his 'stach, "oh yeah its sexy." "hey! That's MY thing!" Rocky exclaims. Ratliff shrugs, "oops?"

Rocky crosses his arms and huffs, Liberty takes this chance to put an arm around Rocky and lean in real close to him, Rocky doesn't object. I turn back to Ratliff and notice him watching Kelly intently and Kelly staring "discretely" at Ratliff. Finally Rydel jumps up and wraps her arms around Rikers neck, "So not trying to be rude, but why?" she asks gesturing to Hannah, Ross, Riker, Liberty, Rocky, and I. "why what?" I ask feigning unknowing. "WHY THE HECK ARE YOU BLUE!" Rydel yells.

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