Chapter 73

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"Umm Ratliff? You there?" her voice breaks through my thoughts and i look up quickly. Kelly laughs, "You where always such an airhead." 

"I was not!" I protest, but i'm laughing. I mean how can you not? She's just so beautiful, i don't remember her attracting me to her this much. Wow, the way her hair falls around her face, her smile, those glistening teeth. Wait! What the heck am i thinking? I have Rydel, yeah i have Rydel. I love Rydel, Rydel is beautiful and amazing, Rydel makes me smile and laugh, but its not the same. At all, Kellys just so-

"Ratliff!? What the heck? That's the 10th time you've zoned out on me, am i really that boring?" A frown crosses her gorgeous face and i shake my head hastily. 

"No no!" I laugh to try and make the frown disappear, "Sorry, i just have a lot on my mind." Instead of the frown disappearing it deepens. 

Kelly steps forward and takes both of my hands in hers, "What's wrong?" she asks softly and i shiver from the contact of her skin on mine. 

I shake my head, "it's nothing, nothing at all." Geez, what would happen if i told her how beautiful she is? She would be freaked out, i mean if a married man told you that you were beautiful you would be creeped out to wouldn't you? Exactly. 

Kelly inches closer to me and looks up at me, "It has to be something, i mean you don't usually have problems." 

I sigh, i want to kiss her. I actually want to kiss her, God what am i thinking? I pull away from Kelly and turn around so i can resist the urge to kiss her and hold her close to me. 


I scared him, i bet i did. I was to close and he backed away, dammit Kelly why is this friend thing so hard!? Because you love him a voice in the back of my head tells me. He's married and i still want him, is that sick or what? I mean imagine you were married and some guy got really close to you, wouldn't you be scared? Exactly. 

"Ratliff?" I ask tentatively. 


Her voice breaks through my thoughts and i can't help it i have to do this, i have to. Before i can change my mind or stop myself i swing around and walk quickly towards Kelly. She looks startled as i grab her wrists and pull her towards me, connecting my lips to hers. 

Just one kiss, i think to myself, i have to see if what i feel is real. 


"Liberty, ummm well after my wife died, i never thought i could really love anyone again, then well i met you. It's been 3 years and i still never thought i would meet anyone, and well, God this isn't easy for me. It's been so long." I mutter as Liberty watches me from the bed.

After i pulled her upstairs and into a bed room i'd been spending the past 20 minutes trying to ask her out or at best tell her how i feel, and it's a lot harder then i remember. Liberty eventually had to sit down cuz i was taking so long. 

"I'm trying to say is that i think i like you, wait no i do like you, or i think i do, i-" I drift off and Liberty raises an eyebrow. 

"Rocky come here." she says quietly, great now she's going to yell at me or slap me for either being rude or sound like a creep. 

I walk over to her and Liberty grabs my arm pulling me down onto the bed, she climbs on top of me and looks down at me, "What're you doing?" I ask looking up at her. 

She starts tracing patters on my chest, ABOVE MY SHIRT!! "Well, i was going to do something but i don't think i can anymore." 


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