Chapter 3 : He Seemed To Be Recognized

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Pacifica's POV

Gideon and I were seated inside the Shack, and we were now watching the brand new TV show on the Reverse Falls cable. Currently I saw a puma was on the screen, in what might as well be a hospital room.

"The puma was badly injured in the accident," that narrator of the show said it, "but we repaired it...WITH A FIST!"

At these words, I saw a human hand, curled into a fist, sprouted right out of the puma's side. The title card reading "PUMA FIST!" appeared onscreen. The kids cheered as, on the TV, the human fist's first action was to punch its owner on the snout. Haha that's fun.

Before anything else could happen, though, the title card flashed again, but this time the TV narrator said, " 'PUMA FIST' will return after these important messages." Of course, Gideon and I knew that said important messages were probably commercials.

The first advertisement to appear on the TV showed a group of doves flying out of a person's hands. Pretty awesome.

Gideon and I looked on with interest as the ad showed a man crying on his bed. That's pathetic. The ad narrator then proceeded to ask, "Are you completely miserable? Need something exciting in your life?"

"Yes!" the man onscreen sobbed. I'm just like 'wha..?'. Taking that as an answer, the ad narrator continued, "Then you need to meet...the Pines Twins."

" 'Pines Twins'?" Gideon echoed.

"What makes them so special?" I asked.

As if answering the question, the ad narrator went on to say, "They're child psychics and magicians at the same time, dude!"

Gideon's eyes widened while I made a confused noise. Really?

"So don't waste your time on those so-called 'mysterios men'!" the ad narrator continued, giving them footage of who else but Uncle Bud stepping out of an outhouse in his pajamas. He groaned in slow-motion, waving his foot to get a piece of toilet paper off of it in slow-motion as well. The word "FRAUD" appeared on-screen on his image. That's harsh.

The footage was then promptly replaced with a picture of a large blue silk tent. "Learn about it tomorrow night at the Pines Twins' Tent of Telepathy!"

I saw a text quickly sped up on the screen, with a voice too fast to follow. The only thing we could make out was the end, that said, "I hate you Bud, from Stan."

"Well, well, well!" I said in a very annoyance sound. "I'm getting all curious in my brain."

"Don't get too curious-in-your-brain, kid!"

The two of us looked up to see Uncle Bus standing in the doorway, looking quite unimpressed. He shook the carton of milk that was in his hand as he continued, "Ever since 3 month ago those monsters made it big, I've had nothing but trouble!"

"Don't you mean that time when their tour bus took your parking space?" Gideon pointed out something. Uncle Bud didn't reply. Instead, he just narrowed his eyes, grumbled something under his breath and undid his straw hat with one hand.

"So, are they really psychic?" I asked, trying to change the subject and to confirm a thing.

"Maybe we should go and find out," Gideon suggested. Brilliant Gid!

"Never!" Bud barked. "I forbid you to patronize the competition!" He guzzled some of the milk in the carton, and then put it down, continuing, "No kid living under my roof is allowed under those Pines' roof!"

Gideon looked at me mischievously. "Do tents have roofs?" I smirked a little.

(Author note: I'm very-very-very-very-very sorry to Carol Molliniere and I'm a bit of nervous about this. I hope you won't hold any knife right now. 'Bowing 90 degree at Carol'.)

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