Chapter 5 : Will Cipher

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No one's POV

Dipper woke up in the middle of night like he just had a nightmare. He then get off from bed and head toward toilet. After he washed his face at the sink, he saw something that didn't move. It was a dragonfly. It just hanging on the air without falling.

Dipper felt something is wrong. Mirror infront of him was suddenly broken into pieces without making a sound of cracked.

"Will Cipher. " Dipper said in an angry tone.

"Hahahahaha." Suddenly, a blue triangle with an eye came out from the broken mirror.

"Ya' know me, Pine Tree?" Dipper nod a little.

"What did you want from me?" Dipper said in a furious tone.

"S-s-sorry. I-I didn't want to bug you at this time. I-it just ..." Dipper let out a sigh. Will start to cry.

With the power of telekinetics that Dipper had, he hold his amulet that still hanging to his collar. Bright blue is surrounding Will and he can't move at all.

"Alright Demon. What did you want now? Sweat it out!" Dipper yelled to Will as Will getting scared.

"My brother would come here to destroy your planet and I'm here to warn you. He is Bill Cipher, the most powerful dream demon in all universe!" Will explained everything to Dipper and sometimes he get confused with Dipper's emotionless face.

"Why did you not afraid with this news?" Will asked.

"I'm just an emotionless person with a very bad behavior. Don't ask anything else." Suddenly, Will get stucked in a box a like as cage.

"P-please let me out." Dipper grinned at Will.

"No. You need to help me find out a solution for the problem that your brother will cause." All back to normal. The dragonfly start to flying around. Except for Will who still in the cage.

"Bro? What. Is. That. ?" Mabel spoke as she just woke up from her dream.

"Nothing to worried about" Dipper said as he put the cage beside his bed.

"Did ya' just get back from the woods?" Mabel ask curiously.

"No, from the toilet" Dipper said to Mabel.

"You get that thing from ... toilet?" Mabel said in annoyance voice.

"There was ... o-only Dipper who had woke up and he was on the toilet." Will explained it to Mabel as she grinned at him.

"Is this your usual form?" Mabel ask again.

"I-I don't have any 'usual' form" Will replied. He then looked at Dipper who is now reading a book.

"Maybe you can change to human form." Mabel gave Will a suggestion.

"W-well, actually I-I can." Dipper opened the cage and Will came out of it. Will is floating in the air and there is Will Cipher wheel around him. Suddenly, Will transform into his human form.

White vest, blue coat tail, blue bow tie, black bottom and hat.

Meanwhile at the Mystery Shacks

"Gideon! Where are you?!" Pacifica yelled as she entered Gideon's room.

"Stop shouting! I can hear your voice from everywhere." Gideon still focused on his mysteries and paranoid book, journal 3.

"What did ya' need, anyway?" Pacifica showed to him a 'nothing' look on her face.

"I think I need a partner to visit the Gleeful twins" Pacifica said it as fast as she could.

"Wha ... ?! Ya' still thinking about him?" Pacifica was blush hardly as she know who was Gideon point at.

Author : Grammatical error ... (sigh deeply) I see that. But, if its OK for ya' guys, its OK with me too. (holding a knife and point it to the reader) Agree?

"Can I get a privacy time, please?" Gideon begged.

"Okay, nerdy cousin." Pacifica goes to her own room and get a comfortable sleep.


Okay that's it. Sorry I am lacked of ideas. AND there's too many grammatical error. Bad news : I'm not good in English.

I'm a pretty busy man. I had school to attend and computer programming to do and had no time to write this.
Good news : I'm a nerd hacker

Thanks to all readers and I'm sure ya' guys want it more. So don't worry I'll make up time for this.

See YA'

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