Chapter 7 : The Worst Part

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Rated T for 'T'errible things will happen.

No One's POV

Dipper walked alone in the forest. Waiting for something to showed up in front of him. He saw something moved behind the bushes. Slowly, he took out his knife from his vest and approach the source of sound. Its moving making the bush shaken.

"Hello human!" A gnome scolded him.

"It just a gnome." Dipper just walked away not attempted to talk to the gnome.

"Just a gnome? I am just a gnome you said?!" The gnome got upset.

"Yeah, what are you gonna do? Little gnome" Dipper smirked at the gnome. He got one evil grin on his face.

"Oh, no you can't imagine on what I can do." The gnome shouted some weird language. Probably gnome language. Will Cipher showed up besides Dipper.

"Master! The gnome calls for its friends. Not only gnomes, but also Minotaurs and lots of creatures!" Will shouted to Dipper.

"I expected this. So that is why I got this feeling. TO KILL ALL OF IT." He just laughed and made the gnome confused.

"You may laugh right now, but not after my friends come and kill you!" The gnome ran into the bush. Suddenly, the earth was shaking. There's something big coming. Dipper grinned and hold tight his knife and amulet on his right hand. (lefthanded where he was holding the knife)

Pacifica's POV

I walked towards Pines's mansion. Maybe Mabel or ... Dipper can help. A few steps before I arrived, I bumped onto someone. It was Mabel!

"Hey, watch out!" She cried out.

"Mabel? What are you doing here?" I asked her. She was surprised to see me.

"Looking for Dipper ... Where is ...Gideon?" I looked at her as she got a broken heart.

"He goes to forest. Alone. Wait, where is Dipper?" I asked her back.

"Gideon too? Dipper said that he want to explore the forest to do something. We must search for them!" She looked desperate.

"Okay! Let's go get them!" Both of us walked into the forest. Between she was looking for his brother or worried about Gideon, I can't think other things except for both of them to be safe.

Gideon's POV

I need to calm down myself. Dam*it, Paz. Why did you mentioned her name? Well, Mabel and I just broken out. At first, I refused for our first date, but as days by days had past, I had fallen ...... for her. ARGH!!!!!! I can't think clearly! She was the one who eager for a date! But why did she ask to break up with me?!

"Wha-?" I stepped onto something ... bloody? Gnomes? Beside its there was a Minotaur? What had happened here?

There was a howling sound. I searched for the source. Wait ... was that, Dipper?! He was fighting with a lots of creature! I need to get out from here. Just in a few second, a knife flew in front of me.

"Argh!" That was scary. The knife hit a wolf that came from my left side. Did he ... just saved me?

"Go away from here you idiot!" Dipper shouted at me.

I took his knife that hit the wolf. Probably the wolf was dead. I want to help. Wait, why did I need to help him? I saw him running towards me. I got freak out. He hold the knife that was on my hand with bare hands! Bloods shedding from his hand. He took it and throw it to the sky. 

I just frozen right there. Suddenly, he took my hand and pulled me. We had ran for hours from those creature. I thought that there was nothing followed us but suddenly, .....


"Argh!" I shouted. H-his leg! He'd saved me.

"Don't worry, just keep on moving!" I took him to a cave that we found it a few minutes later.

No One's POV

In the cave. Also after all of it happened the same way it does (Curiosity Kills the Cat).

D : Why did you showed me this?

W : You just died over there.

D : I got Narcolepsy sickness.

W : Yes and No. You were slept for days. In your souls ... there was something that unusual. Colorful.

D : I know that. In fact, "I know lots of thing"

W : How did you-?

D : Hahahaha (Crazy laugh)

~~~~~~~~~~~~Pardon me~~~~~~~~(-_-)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Nice? Not nice? Worst, perhaps? Need to focus on Add Mathematical exam upcoming. So, I'll be off for a few days.

Dipper : Who's that D and W?

Pacifica : He got the same crazy laugh as you.

Dipper : What? Well, you are responsible for Mabel and Gideon's broken out!

Pacifica : I did what-? (almost shed tears)

Dipper : Oh, no. Sorry! I don't want this relationship end up like this.

Pacifica : I just had that thought. ~MM~

Say sorry Dipper in meanwhile I'll disappear!

Thanks for all of you who support me to back up my (almost harrow) live!

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