Chapter 9 : Timelines (part 1)

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Original timeline : After Gravity Falls : Weirdmageddon Part 3

Parent's house.

No One's POV

Bill defeated during the battle. Everyone was happy to see the sun once again. What happened next? Usual days come and past. The twins got back to their parents ... but not so fast.

Dipper's POV

I woke up on my bed. I realized that I was in my parents house. Mabel sat on her own bed while petting her cat. Something doesn't seem to be right.

"Bro-bro, wanna catch a breakfast?" Mabel said while smiling.

"Okay ..." I tried to not be a paranoid.

We walked towards kitchen she still holding her cat while I took my Play Station with me. Suddenly, our parents came in with a big smile on their face.

"Good news! You two will go for a holiday somewhere in Gravity Falls, Oregon!" My mother shouted like she was the happiest perso- Wait, what? Gravity Falls? Again?

"Again?" Everyone gave a confused look as I said it.

"You had ever go there, bro-bro?" Mabel asked me. My head was trying to solve this mystery. Maybe they just had forgot about it? Who knows?

"With Grunkle Stan, right?" At first I tried to confirm this uncertainty. But then, I thought that if this things happened as what had happened before, why don't I follow the flows?

"Yeah it is." My father was trying to call for Stan. Everything repeated all over again.

"Here is your stuffs and things. Your father and I already brought you tickets to Gravity Falls. Have fun there." They pushed Mabel and me to a bus station. It is only a few blocks from parent's house.

Mabel and I were seated inside of the bus. Ready to go. Few hours later we already arrived at Gravity Falls. As the first time, Grunkle Stan was the first one to see us.

I want to make sure of this.

When Grunkle Stan offered once again for who will hang those signboards outside the Shack, I immediately offered myself. As fast as I could, I search for the iron tree that contained a machine to open the secret hole.

Inside it, there was the Book 3. I got freak out but I calmed myself. As the last time, Mabel scolded me from behind.

"Mabel, we need to talk." I wear my serious tone of voice. "Wow, bro. What's wrong?"

"Let's get back to Shack first." We walk towards Shack and to our bedroom. I wanted to tell her about this.... repeated Timeline. Perhaps she will understand this.

"Mabel... there is something that I must tell you." I tried my best not to make her confused. "What is wrong?" I know that she got worried now.

"Is this all about your paranoid stuff?" I tried to look calm. "This is a little bit different. Ready? But don't misunderstand." She looked at her surrounding. Maybe she thought that this is a joke.

"Timeline has repeated itself." She gave me her confused face. "Actually, I already through this environment. But all I can change is what conversation that I'd done before." Her face still gave the look. "Are you sick Dipper?" She asked me worriedly. "No Mabel, I am serious."

"I still do not believe in you." This will go nowhere, I need to do something. "Hahaha.... this is only a joke!" I hope my fake laugh can make her forget about this conversation.

"What, a joke?!" She had gotten mad. "I almost into it!!! Do not make me confused like that again, Dipper!" She'd left the room. It seems like I told to the wrong person. I calmed myself then walked outside the Shack.

After that, everything goes as what it was before. Met Norman that actually a bunch of gnomes. I played along as what I did on the last Timeline.

But this time, I tried not to impressed Wendy whenever Mabel and I hang out with her and her friends. I just wanted to look as a normal person. I already knew the ending for me if I still like Wendy. Maybe, I will search for someone else.

Season 1 :
Episode 7 ; Double Dipper

Pacifica's POV

After that night at Pines's party, I saw a boy who sat alone. I thought that maybe he's one of the Pines. At first, I tried to ignored him. But suddenly, my feet moved towards him by itself.

"H-hi!" I waved, but he just kept on being silent.

What are you doing Paz! Go away now!

"Oh, it's you." His voice weaker than the the night. Maybe, I will ask him what's wrong. H-hey! Why am I supposed to do that? He's a Pines.

But wait.... we never talked to each other.... so, how did he knew who I am?

"How did you...." He suddenly turn his face to me.

"Oh, sorry! You are Pacifica, right?" Maybe he just heard it from the party where I won the competition against Mabel.

"Yes... I am Pacifica Northwest" He look confused suddenly. "Cough* Cough*" I coughing while waiting for him to give reaction.

"Oh, sorry again. My name is Dipper. Dipper Pines." What a name?

It has became an awkward moments.

I walked away not saying goodbye or even look at him. Ugh... Why did I need to talk to him?

When I got to mansion a few minutes later, I walked towards my bedroom as fast as I could. I jumped on my bed tried to sleep.

"Dipper... huh." With that thought, I slept.

......................(PARDON ME)..................

How was that? Sorry for the late update. Anyway, I've done it!!! Hooray for me. Hopefuly that everyone can accept this chapter.

Dipper : It has been a long time Flash. NOW GET BACK TO WORK.

Pacifica : You are here!

Mabel : But you got a competition next week right? For a Mathematical Genius Nerd guys.

Gideon : Really, if that so, do your best Flash!

Thank you guys (except for Dipper) I will do my best for that NERD stuff. Keep waiting you all!!!

Dipper : Flash!!!!!!!

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