Chapter 6 : Start Hunting His Heart

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Rated T for blood and 'T'errible things will happen

Warning : This is somehow different timeline of 'Curiosity Kills the Cats' but this will get more blood!

Dipper's POV

I walk past a few building in the town of Reverse Falls. I saw someone was hiding behind a tree. I walked towards that person. It was Pacifica.

"Miss, may I ask what are you doing?" Softly I said to her. She still hid behind the tree.

"I-I am not P-Pacifica." She mentioned her own name. She's nervous.

"I know that is you, Pacifica." I talked seriously.

Slowly, she came out from behind the tree. Her eyes showed sadness.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. She just silent.

"Okay, if you don't want to talk about it, I'll go-" I turned my back and suddenly she hold my right hand.

"He-here you go." After that she ran away.

I take a look at my right hand. There was chocolate box. A small box. I take a look at my surrounding and no sight of Pacifica. How fast can she run? I opened the box and ate the chocolate.

"Cough ... cough. I-it taste like a tank of sugar." With that I walk towards home. It is hilarious on how she can bake such a 'sugar killer' chocolate. I walk past the park, the town hall and somehow I saw a big forest after the town. I felt like I need to explore into the forest. So, I decided to call for Mabel's help.

'Yup, its Mabel. Bro-bro need me?' What's wrong with her voice. Its like a 'hip-hop' version. "Mabel, there's something I need to explore in the forest. Can you tell Grunkle Stan that I'll be home late?" She paused. 'Okay, but make sure you got back home safely.' She hung out.

I doesn't know what am I doing. Is it really safe? Haha. I can survived almost every time! First, I summoned Will and ask him to bring my journal as well. Second, I told him to calm Mabel down because I knew that she's worried about me.

I walk into the forest. I take a look on my watch, it was 11 A.M. There's some time to kill before it night.

Pacifica's POV

I saw Dipper ate my handmade chocolate. H-he was coughing! I should had ask for Gideon's help to bake the chocolate.

"Now I am regret" All I can do was mumbled to myself. "Paz! How was it going?" Gideon scolded me from my back.

"H-he is ... coughing" I showed him my sad eye. "Oh, I already told you that you need my help. But you refuse" Gideon laughed. "Okay, let just go home" I said to him.

"Okay, you said it" He smiled at me.

"Okay, stop it"

"Okay, I'll stop" He do it again.

"But I'll start it" I grin at him.

"No" He said in a cold tone.

"I will ..."

"No, I said no!"

"... call for Mabel!"

"No~~~~" He ran away. To the Shack, I thing. He'll take left route to go back to the Shack. Left. Left. Left! He goes straight? Where did he want to go? Wait, there was a forest up ahead!

I ran as fast as I could catching his back. He just to fast for me to catch! I afraid that I don't have much time left. Oh There is some time. I looked at townhall's big clock, It showed 11 A.M. I got back to shack and gathered some stuff to bring for the rescue. Or maybe he just want time to forget about Mabel? Well, he and Mabel got on a date a few days ago. They just broke up. Well, it was all because of me

~~~~~~~~Pardon me~~~~~~~~~(-_-)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Author : Or maybe I want to make this rated "T" story for next chapter? Hmmmmm Hard choice.

Dipper : Flash, I am in the woods right now! Please continue this! I need to know what would you do to me!

Pacifica : I need to rescue Gideon's butt?!

Author : This will go nowhere. I'll continue this. ON THE NEXT CHAPTER! (still running away -AH~~~~- you guys know it why)

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