Chapter 2

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' I knew we shouldn't have let her go on by herself'

' Why does she keep ending up in the same spot?'

' At the same time..'


3rd POV

Your eyes finally open once again. But this time, your surroundings were different. You were currently laying down on a bed, inside a room. You sat up and scanned the room .

'Where am I?' You thought.

"I'll be right there Gon! I think I left my shoes in the room!" You heard a masculine voice call out.

Without a warning, the door swung open. You starred at the boy in front of you with shock.

'Did he kidnap me?'

"Oh, you're awake." He calmly stated as he walked closer to you.

His face was awfully similar to you, you felt like you've met him before, like if you know him.


Killua stop walking towards to you and gave you a confused look.

" You don't remember me- I mean us?" He asked you.


"Killua! What's taking you so lo- (y/n)!" The other boy ran to you and stood in front of the bed you were rested on.

"She doesn't remember us Gon." Killua stated annoyingly, but his eyes showed different emotions.

"What? Why wouldn't she-"

"Killua..Gon.." You mumbled.

The boys directed their attention towards you and looked at you questionably.

Your eyes widened as your mouth formed into the shape of an 'o'.

"KILLUA! GON!" You jumped off the bed and pulled the two into a hug.

You could feel Killua stiffen up, but Gon instantly returned the hug.

When you moved away from the boys you saw Gon was left with a big smile and Killua with slightly pink cheeks.

"I'm glad you remember, (y/n)-chan!" Gon smiled innocently.

"Me too." You smiled back.

The boys sat down on the bed.

"I'm glad you're okay (y/n). Killua can finally relax..he was really worried about you!" Gon grinned.

"Gon! Shut up!" Killua yelled.

You and Gon started laughing as Killua sat with his arms crossed.


"Wait..why am I here? How did you find me?" You asked as reality finally hit you.

"You were in the very same spot we found you in last time." Killua sighed.

Memories  (Killua x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now