Chapter 7

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Your POV

I opened my eyes to greet an empty hotel room. I looked to my right to find an un-done bed, and no one around.

I made my way to the little kitchenette the hotel room provided. I opened the mini fridge, hoping there was something I could feast on. Sadly, there was nothing..

My footsteps and my grumbling stomach were the only things being heard in the silent room.

'I wonder where they went. They could've at least left a note.'


I showered and put on some clothes that Killua bought for me yesterday.

' Killua..'

I felt my face heating up as his name came across my mind.

I shook my head and left out the door.

3rd POV

You made your way through the long hallways. What caught your eye was a small flier that said 'Free breakfast in Lounge 3C'. Your stomach continued to rumble as you read.


When you reached the lounge, you were served your favorite breakfast. (Your choice).

You found a vacant table sitting against the wall. You took a seat and instantly started to scarf down your food.

"You might want to slow down there." An unfamiliar voice spoke out. You turned your head to greet the person who was obviously watching you eat.

Your eyes grew wide, with fear. But soon, your eyebrows furrowed, and your frightful facial expression was replaced with an angered one.

You quickly stood up and pinned the man to the wall closest to your table. The room became silent, and a few silverware were dropped in shock of your actions.

You held the man by the collar of his odd outfit.

He smiled at your action.

"Do you really want to do this here?" He smirked.

You felt the whole room's gaze on you. You let go of the man's collar.

"Outside. Now." You demanded.

The man smiled and nodded his head, allowing the two of you to exit the lounge.

Immediately after stepping outside the door, the man was pinned against a wall once again.

"You haven't changed at all, (y/n)." The man grinned.

"Only speak when I ask you a question." You said.

"I have too many questions to ask you." You looked around.

"But not enough time."

"Too bad I'm not here to answer questions." The man kept smiling.

You fixed your gaze on him.

"Hisoka, right?" You questioned.


"Who are you? How do you know me?"

"I said I wasn't answering questions."

"You don't have a choice." You retorted.

"Are you acquainted with the other people after me?"

Your questioned seemed to have startled him. He starred at you with wide eyes.

"Other people?" He mumbled questionably.

"Yes. What I could remember a woman with odd pink hair and a man with long hair, long enough he was able to put it in a ponytail." You informed Hisoka.

"I see."

"Answer my question."

"No, I am not acquainted with them. But I'm familiar with them." He finally answered.

"Who are they?" You asked.

"So much for not answering any questions." Hisoka scoffed.

"Just answer me." Your grip on his collar tightened.

"They're dangerous people. Stay away from them."

"Obviously." You rolled your eyes.

Hisoka starred at you for a while.

"Have you regained any memories?" He asked.

"How do you k-"

"Listen (y/n), I'll wait for you outside this hotel tomorrow. I'll answer any following questions then, but only if you answer this question..."

"Who are you?" He added.

"What?! How am I suppose to answer that if I don't even know myself!?" You yelled.

"You have until tomorrow. To help you, consider this, the answer to all your questions is what is used to identify you. Search physically, not mentally." He spoke as he removed your hand off his collar, and walked away.

You stood there with your fist still clenched.

'What the hell does that mean?'

Memories  (Killua x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now