Chapter 13: The Spacebar Exists

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"Well it's true. The name's Sakura. Sakura Haruno." Sakura said, extending a hand. The guy smiled and shook Sakura's hand. "The name's Shisui. Shisui Uchiha." The guy answered.

"So, Sasuke told you to what?" Sakura asked with an eyebrow raised. "Oh right! About that. Sasuke told me that he can't make it today." Shisui stated. "Sure, I'll finish his work for him." Sakura said as she started hitting the buttons of her keyboard. "You're not going to ask why?" Shisui asked, taking a seat in front of Sakura.

"No, it's obvious that he's having a fever for pushing himself." Sakura said, making Shisui laugh. "You're one weird girl! I like you. Well, I gotta go, I still have stuff to do." He said, grinning as he stood up from his chair. "See ya, Shisui." "See ya, Sakura!" With that said, Shisui exitted the room.

"Sasuke-kun~!" A high pitched voice shouted as Shisui opened the door. "F**k. Oi Shisui don't leave me with her!" Sakura shouted with teary eyes. "Dun wanna deal with her!" Shisui shouted back, running off while laughing. "Sasuke-kun!" Karin shouted, banging open the door.

"Boss ain't here." Sakura said, calming herself as dhe continued typing. "Where is my babe?" Karin asked, taking a sit on Sasuke's chair. "He's currently having a meeting with Sir Gaara all the way to Suna." Sakura said. 'Cha! Like hell I'll tell her that the boss is having a fever!'

'Dear Gaara,
This is Sakura. Ihavearequesttomake.pleasetellKarinthatSasuke'shavingameetingwithyou!!!!!! Love sakura'

With Gaara...

Temari opened the recently opened email for Gaara. "Wtf?" Temari said, makinh Gaara and Kankuro look at her weirdly. "I received an email from Sakura." Temari said. "Well?" Gaara asked. "Can you read it for me?" Temari asked Kankuro. "Yeah sure. Forward it to me" he answered.

"Gaara, Sakura asked for a favor. She said her that can you please tell Karin that Sasuke is currently having a meeting with you?" Kankuro said, making Temari look at him in amazement. "Tell her this. Sure but there's this thing called spacebar, email me back if she doesn't know where it is." Gaara said, making Temari and Kankuro laugh.


Karin picked the phone up and dialed Gaara's number. 'She's dialling Gaara's number.' Sakura thought, sweating. "Hello, Subaku corps." A female voice said. "Yeah, hello. Can I speak to Gaara Subaku-san?" Karin said. "Oh sorry, he's currently having a meeting with Sasuke Uchiha-san." Temari said as she and Kankuro smirked at each other.

"Oh, alright, thank you." Karin said. "Tch, my Sasuke-kun isn't here. Might as well go." She said, standing. "Yeah sure." Sakura said, typing. 'Phew. Good think Gaara accepted that favor.' Sakura thought, grinning at herself as Karin left th office.

Time skip...

"6 pm. I guess I'll go visit Sasuke. Might as well make him a tomato soup." Sakura said, shutting down the computer. "Sakura, I'll give you a ride. I'm also going to my little brother's house." Itachi said as he entered Sasuke's office. "Oh thanks." Sakura said, grinning. "I'll carry those for you." Itachi said. "Oh, don't worry I can manage." Sakura said as she carried the stack of papers. "I just need to bring this downstairs." She said, carrying the stack which rested on her forehead, she can barely walk straight.

Itachi sighed and got all the papers from Sakura, the stack rested on Itachi's shoulder. "Th-thank you." Sakura said, looking up at Itachi. "Hn." Itachi said as they started walking towards the elevator. Sakura pushed the button for Itachi. A few minutes later, the duo entered Itachi's car and drove off towards Sasuke's house.

To Be Continued...

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