Chapter 25: The Ball (Epilogue)

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"What's with all the noise?" Sasuke asked, nerve popping on his forehead as he walked out the office and saw Kisame, running around with boxes at hand. "Oi, Kisame!" Sasuke shouted, twitching. "Sorry, Sasuke, we're getting ready for the ball tomorrow." Kisame said, running around. Sasuke and Sakura flinched upon hearing the word ball. 'Crap, I forgot about that! And it's tomorrow!' They both thought.

"W-well, keep down a little." Sasuke said, going back to his desk, clearly irritated that he forgot about something important. 'What should I do?! What should I do?! I can't believe I forgot something as important as that.' Sakura thought, typing furiously. 'And I don't have a gow-- oh wait Sasuke gave me everything I need.' Sakura thought blushing as she stopped typing to steal a glance at Sasuke.

Everything was silent when the telephone rang. Sakura picked it up and said "Hello. Uchiha corp. at your service. Sakura speaking." Sakura said. "My you're so full of energy Sakura-chan." A woman said. "Mikoto-san?" Sakura asked. "Yes, I just called to tell you that the Uzumaki corp are going to celebrate with us tomorrow. See you, Sakura-chan!" Mikoto brightly said. She hung up right before Sakura can bid her goodbye.

"What is it?" Sasuke asked. "Uzumaki corp is going to celebrate with us tomorrow." Sakura said, typing a document. "That's all?" Sasuke asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yes." Sakura answered. "I'll pick you up at 6 pm tomorrow." Sasuke suddenly said, avoiding eye contact. Sakura grinned and nodded.

The following day...

"Crap! I don't have shoes to go with my gown!" Sakura said, suddenly sitting up on her bed. She grabbed her phone and dialled Ino's number. "Forehead? What's up?" Ino asked. "Ino! Today's the ball and I don't have shoes to go with my gown!" Sakura said, walking in circles around her room. "I'm coming right over!" Ino said.

Not half an hour later Ino came knocking at the door with a shoe box and a jewelry box at hand.

"How do I get this damned necktie right?!" Sasuke struggled to tie the necktie, glaring at his reflection on the mirror. "Damn it! I'll wear it later!" Sasuke told himself as he fixed his hair.

"Sakura! Open up!" Tsunade and Shizune banged Sakura's door. The door opened only to reveal a very distressed Sakura and a calm Ino. "I don't know how to fix my hair and I don't know how to put make up on!" Sakura said, tearing up. "Figures." The two said, sweat dropping.

Itachi passed by Sasuke's door and sweat dropped and he saw a messed up hair style Sasuke did. "Hn. Otouto sit down." Itachi said, entering Sasuke's room. "Don't panic." Itachi monotonously said. "But the ball is in an hour! Look at how messed up I am!" Sasuke said, twitching as Itachi fixed him up.

"The ball is in an hour and I have no clue of what to do!" Sakura said, panicking. "Sit down. Shizune, you do the make up I'll deal with the hair. Ino, you take care of her accessories right after." Tsunade said as Sakura said down, twitching every now and then.

Half an hour later, Sakura stared at a beautiful maiden before her. "Who is that?" She asked with wide eyes. "That's you sweety." Tsunade said, grinning at their majestic work. "Off you go now Sakura-chan. I heard your boyfriend's car pull over." Ino said, grinning from ear to ear. "He's not my bpyfriend." Sakura said, grabbing her purse as she went for the door. She turned to the three and bowed, thanking them.

Sasuke stood outside the car, waiting for Sakura. He caught a glimpse of pink hair and his breath was taken away by the maiden before him. "Shall we go?" Sasuke asked, offering Sakura an arm, looking away as a blush formed across his face. Sakura happily nodded and took his arm.

Fifteen minutes later, the two arrived. "Teme! Sakura-chan!" They were greeted by a loud voice. They turned and saw Naruto with Hinata. "You look stunning Sakura-chan! Dattebayo!" Naruto said, grinning. "Oh by the way, have you met my sister?" Naruto asked, stepping away, revealing Karin. "Karin?!" Sasuke and Sakura exclaimed with wide eyes. "Ehh you know her, dattebayo?" Naruto asked, dumbfounded.

"Don't you people wanna go in?" Kisame asked, suddenly going up to them with Itachi by him. "Come on. Dattebayo!" Naruto said, grinning. Just so suddenly, a beautiful melody started playing. "Hinata, let's dance, dattebayo!" Naruto said, pulling the now red Hinata onto the dance floor.

"So Karin, what was that job you were talking about before?" Sakura asked, looking at Karin as they sat by the table. Karin smirked at Sakura and said "It was to bring you two close enough to foster feelings of love. Sakura blushed at this and smiled at Karin. "I'm thankful that you did." She said, shocking Karin.

"You were right before, we will be good friends the next time we meet." Sakura said, grinning at Karin. Karin sighed and smiled at Sakura. "You never change do you?" Karin said, laughing.

Karin turned when she felt someone tap her shoulder. "Care for a dance?" Shisui said, smiling as he offered her a hand. Karin looked away with a very light blush and said "I don't mind."

Kisame plopped down beside Sakura and sighed. "Seriously, Itachi is in every girl's wanted list." He said, obviously exhausted of rescuing Itachi here and there. Someone tapped Kisame's shoulder, causing Kisame to turn around. "U-um... C-can" A black haired girl stuttered. "If it's about Itachi I can't, he's Hiding." Kisame said grinning. The woman shook her hand no. "C-can you dance with me?!" The woman asked, turning red as she covered her mouth. "S-sorry." She said as Kisame stared at her in shock. She bowed and turned to run away until Kisame caught her wrist. "I don't mind dancing with someone as cute as you." He said, laughing as he lead the now red girl on the dance floor.

"Enjoying the food?" Sasuke asked, suddenly coming up to Sakura. "Yeah, it's amazing, you should try it." Sakura said, grinning. "L-let's dance." Sasuke suddenly said, offering Sakura a hand. Sakura looked at him in shock and said "You can dance?!" Sasuke got ticked off and said "Of course I can!" Sakura laughed and took Sasuke's hand. Sasuke lead her on the dance floor. They were happily dancing until Sasuke came close to her.

"I love you, Sakura." He whispered into her ears. "Eh?" She asked in confusion of the sudden confession. "I love you, didn't you hear me the first time?" Sasuke asked, twitching. "I heard you the first time, idiot." Sakura answered back. "What do you say then? Do you love me back or not?" He asked, twitching, clearly annoyed at the fact that Sakura made him repeat himself. "Of course I do. It's hard not to when I finally got to know you." Sakura said, grinning as Sasuke's face turned pink. He turned to the hiding Itachi and the happily dancing Kisame and gave them the thumbs up, signalling that it all worked out.

"Look at how happy our son is right now. Oh how much he's changed!" Mikoto said, squealing as she hugged Fugaku. "Sakura will be a good bride for Sasuke." Fugaku said, smiling as he sees how happy his son is right now.

The music ended and everyone on the dance floor returned to the tables. Sakura's friends and new boyfriend sat on one table, happily laughing at each other. Sakura stole a glance at a smirking Sasuke and smiled. 'I successfully finished my mission. I tamed the boss! And guess what? I fell in love during my mission, with the same person who I was supposed to tame!' Sakura thought, smiling and sighing as she leaned on Sasuke's shoulder, causing Sasuke to blush.

The End...

A/N: Hello everyone! Thank you for supporting me all the way until the end! I really love your votes and comments! It became my inspiration into writing my stories :3 I have other books that you can read :3 my writings will not end here! Again! Thank you so much for supporting me until the end!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto nor the picture. Credits to the owners.

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