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What do you do when your life is breaking at the seams? There are two options: look down under the bridge or keep walking over it. Danny O Donoghue had nearly fallen off the bridge. He has everything: the money, the women, the looks, yet he has nothing. He reached his peak of fame in 2009 as well as his rock bottom. It started out, as all sappy stories do, with a girl. Her name was Marina, like of the sea. It suited her well; she was gentle and flowed along with life. It was until she met Danny, her waves grew rough and unforgiving, drowning the most innocent. At first, their love was tender, like any other couples'. It was the the little things that burned out the flame, like fights over ridiculous words they could not recall. The broken effort put into the relationship was the ultimate downfall. The day she left still vividly replays in his mind.

Rain was down pouring heavily on their ramshackle roof in Dublin. The only source of light was coming from a few lit candles and one antique lamp. Marina laid sleeping peacefully on her side upstairs. Her porcelain skin still glistening in the dim moonlight. Then, she heard a loud stirring coming from downstairs. She knew it was Danny, it was a routine for him. Marina could easily tell he was more drunk than usual from the inconsistent, noisy thumps, but she tried to go back to sleep. Danny made his way to the bedroom.

He was dressed in a worn out grey tee shirt, a pair of old jeans, and his signature bottle of Jameson's whiskey. His eyes looked handsome from afar, in fact, beautiful. They were a dark brown, almost black, but as you look closer at them they appear hideous. The pain and struggles endured can be easily read by anyone if observed more in depth, but nobody does. His windswept hair reeked of depression and hunger for the love he once had.

"Hey," he said wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Get off of me Danny. You're drunk," she shoved him off with her elbow.

"I'm not drunk. I'm Danny," he said confused. Marina got off the bed and he followed.

"Go to sleep," she was about the leave the room before Danny aggressively grabbed her arm.

"I love you!" He screamed, shaking her body, "I love you so much," he held her in his stiff arms and wouldn't let go.

"Danny! Let go of me!" she tried pushing him off but he began pulling her closer until she could barely breathe.

"I just want to love you so," he howled in his whiskey breath, "to fall in love with you"

"Enough!" She kicked his shin and headed towards the closet to get her suitcase.

"Where you goin'?" he slurred while she threw all her belongings into the leather case.

"Away. I can't do this anymore."

"But I love you. Marina, please, I love you," Danny continuously begged while chasing her downstairs.

"Tell me that without your liquor. Good bye," She put a shiny trinket in his hand and then slammed the door in his face. Danny ran after the car but eventually came back weeping, banging on the door.

Since then, he has not changed. Still drunk. Still frustrated. Still missing a piece of himself long lost and buried in memories. The only difference is that now, he is publicized for his depressing love sick songs. He sits on his porch fiddling with the ring she left him. He continuously grieves, while simultaneously making a fortune.

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