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After class, Jane returned back to her dorm.

"Hey Jane!" her roomate Alice blurted. "So I've met this incredible boy at the apple store. You know that's like the best place to pick up guys?"

"Oh really?" Jane nodded, pretending to listen. Alice continued blabbering on about the boy. She's never been fond of her slutty roomate. It was just Alice's morals that bothered Jane. She treats every boy like a puppet, manipulating them for money or popularity. The sad part was that she could get almost any guy she wants. They've also had a bad history.

Jane's freshman year, she met a boy named Al. He completely stole her heart from the begining and she had stolen his, or half of it. Al boosted her confidence and treated her like a princess. She loved him and sometimes even dreamt of marrying the boy, but she didn't know Alice stole the other half. She unfortunately walked in on them in the dorm and found out that it has been going on for a while. Now Jane just acts like everything is fine, the regular, sweet, plain, Jane. The truth was she was a fire was burning since the day they broke up.

Another thing Jane hated about Alice was her awful personality. If Jane did better in anything, Alice would find some type of revenge. It could range from ripping up clothes to public humiliation. Jane ignored it, thinking she's been through worse.

"Hello? Are you listening?" Alice caught Jane off guard.

"Yeah, of course"

"What did I just say?"

"Boy in the apple store..." Jane guessed with confidence.

"Ugh. God, grow a pair of ears. Nevermind you don't get to hear all this juicy gossip." Alice rolled her eyes and started texting on her Blackberry.

Jane rolled her eyes back at Alice and opened up one of her many William Shakespeare books. She tried to focus on the dialog, but the words were just jumbling around in her head along with thoughts of Danny. After a few minutes of "attempted" reading, Jane closed her book in frustration and put on her headphones.

Oh come on, he's not even that cute. Just another self centered celebrity whose kindness is promoted by the press. But, he offered to help me with my career. And when we sang, it all felt so-- What am I thinking? He probably won't even call. She checked her phone. See? Well... it has only been a few hours, but- a vibration interrupted her thoughts. Her phone started playing a little tune and danced around on her desk. She picked it up and walked out into the hall.


"Hey it's Danny!" a nervous voice came from the other end. "If you're not busy, want to go to Rookies? It's on Korte Street." He gradually began talking faster, " Wait, am I calling too early? You're probably busy. I'll hang up now, but I'll be there if you do want to see me. Around five. Not in a dating kind of way... I mean... okay bye..."

Jane's mouth hung open about to say something but Danny had already hung up. Her mind immediately snapped back to the infactuated little teen thoughts. She impulsively grabbed her vintage leather backpack and started walking towards Rookies.

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