Coffee at Rookies

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Danny's POV:

Why am I so damn jumpy all the time. I sounded like an idiot on the phone. Danny sighed and continued writing his new song. The lyrics came naturally, but he had no music to go with it.

The rusty copper bell jingled as Jane opened the door into the silent coffee house. She spotted Danny with his guitar, writing down lyrics in his petite notebook. She quietly made her way towards him and sat on a cushioned cylinder stool. He lifted his head up, surprised and smiled.

"Hey," he played it cool.

"Hey," Jane repeated in the same tone. "What are you working on?" she motioned her eyes and head at his notebook. He hand it to her and she read:

And I wish you could give me the cold shoulder

And I wish you could still give me a hard time

And I wish I could still wish it was over

But even if wishing is a waste of time

Even if I never cross your mind

I'll leave the door on the latch

If you ever come back, if you ever come back

There'll be a light in the hall and the key under the mat

If you ever come back

There'll be a smile on my face and the kettle on

And it will be just like you were never gone

There'll be a light in the hall and the key under the mat

If you ever come back if you ever come back now

Oh if you ever come back if you ever come back

"It's beautiful, she grinned while reading. "How does it sound with the guitar?"

"Well, he smirked back, I've haven't exactly made up a tune yet." He stretched one arm behind his head, "I was wondering if you could help me."

"Sure!" Jane said delighted. She took Danny's guitar and began playing around with the strings until she found a simple melody. "Here try this." Jane sang a part of his song. Her voice was effortlessly alluring; it was completely free spirited but sounded professional.  She sang a little raspy but with charm. It reflected who she is, broken, but beautiful.

Danny was taken back by how simply she executed the song. He paused for a moment after she finished then replied, " Incredible. How did you do that?"

"Well the notes come to me pretty freely, it's usually just the lyrics I get stuck with. But yours were so amazing that it was easy to come up with music. Where does all that passion come from?"

"You," he lied, trying to forget Marina.

"Smooth," she laughed and put the guitar down. "Really," she stared at his coffee brown eyes and he looked into her green, hazel irses. She slowly moved in closer, switching her eyes down to his lips. Their lips were just about to meet, but he pulled away. Images of Marina struck back into his mind.

"We should, probably continue with the music," he faced away from her.

She looked down in disappointed, "Yeah okay." He awkwardly proceeded with writing down lines and she continued with writing sheet music.

Once the jam session was done, Danny walked Jane back to her dorm and called a cab to his hotel. He laid down on the crimson bed, pondering what happened to him. I couldn't have just kissed her like any other girl? Isn't that right Danny? You wimp. He kept murmuring insults at himself until he drifted into slumber.

It certainly wasn't something Danny was used to. In America, he could pick out any girl he wanted at a pub and take her home like winning a teddy bear at a carnival. Jane was different. Of course Danny knew she liked him, and he knew he liked her back, but something was off putting. He felt more than a crush, was it love?

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