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Danny gaped at her jade eyes in surprise, behaving like he just noticed Marina's disappearance. Her eyes. They are just like hers. Through Jane's, he didn't see her, he saw another girl and a million undesired thoughts. Danny couldn't repress it any further, the drops were flowing out into an effortless waterfall of awakening. He grabbed his black peacoat and left without a word. After he left, Jane fixed her eyes on the door in half in sorrow and astonishment. The lovely green crystals began to cloud up with tears.

Almost a week passed until Jane finally gathered the courage to see him again. Coincidentally, Danny decided to visit her on the same day. Over the several days Jane's words echoed in his head. It finally became apparent to him, she was right. He walked past the same halls he did 5 months ago, still the same feel. She walked out her dorm and made her way to the marble staircase.

He reached the end of a corner before he was stopped by a hand with sharp, claw-like fake nails.

"Excuse me," he tried desparately to continue to Jade's room. The neon pink nails grasped on tighter.

"Hi," a low and seductive voice whispered, "aren't you that Danny boy from The Script? What are you doing here?" Her eyes raped his mind.

Danny was pushed back in confusion, he'd never felt so intimidated by anyone. She took the new heat radiating off him as excitment and continued getting closer. He tried looking away from her eyes in fear he'd turn to stone. "I'm trying to-"

She cut him off with a slobbery kiss. His pupils dilated, eyebrows raised, and the veins on his neck became prominent as he attempted to pull away. It wasn't because of the kiss, it was because of the girl who was standing at the bottom of the stairwell.

"Alice?" Jane couldn't stand this bitch anymore. Alice's head turned around in surprise. Danny's lips finally pulled away and he ran towards her almost tripping, "Jane!" The typical Jane would be half up the stairs by now, but this time she decided to stay. He was expecting a chance to explain but instead he got twenty years of pent up anger all released in one slap. Danny couldn't feel the impact over his guilt. He went to grab the hand that just left the bloody specks on his face.

Jane roughly drew away. Her eyes transformed from soft to monstrous in an instant. "Leave. Leave this school, leave this city, leave 'this' alone," she gestured her hands up in the air between them. "I'm so sick of this shit every guy pulls," Jane screamed in frustration.

"I think you're overreacting," an annoying high pitched voice budded in.

"Oh really? Jane faced Alice, "I think I'm underreacting. You are the selfish, pretentious whore who can not stand the thought of my happiness!"

Jane had everyone dumbstruck, even herself as she strut out the glass doors.

Gone for Good: The Script fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now