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Both of their voices faded out as the last note played and a small smile grew on her face but soon faded into a blush after noticing how long they've been staring at each other.

" I should probably get going I need to get to my next class," she awkwardly turned and looked away from his face.

"Yeah," Danny was just as embarassed as her. He cleared his throat as he opened the door for Jane, "We should do this again sometime," her eyes widened a bit, "you know record and stuff?" Then her face returned to it's normal state.

"I'd like that," she smiled she held Danny's hand for a moment which made it impossibly hard for him to not smile like a fool. He then realized after she started for the hallway that she slipped her phone number on a yellow post it note into his hand.

Danny stood by the door with his arms crossed staring at Jane as she walked away. Oh my god. She's beautiful. Not just her looks but you can just tell. Jane's satin curls bounced daintily off her loose grey tank. Danny had the smirk of love on his face he couldn't seem to wash off. Thoughts of her smile repeated like a broken record in his mind. Her voice and personality are incrediblely genuine. Something so rare.

Jane strolled calmy to the end of the hallway before turning a corner. Her back against the wall, she slowly slid down as her heart fluttered up. She couldn't believe what had just happened. Danny? Danny O Donoghue? Jane held her fine art textbook tightly against her chest and looked up in gratitude towards the universe. But I can't... he's so perfect, and I'm... we'll beauty and the beast were not meant to be.

Jane was a small town girl from New Jersey, as cheesy as it sounds. She had moved there from France at the age of 12 and was made fun of and bullied terribly for her accent and weight. It scarred her in a way, but for the better. Jane saw the world in a logical way, reality. It heightened her modesty as well as her insecurities. After coming out of a dark period, she had a beacon moment. Countless tunes started rattling in her ears and Jane began recording and playing music. She eventually lost the weight and accent, but she's never seen a difference. Her mind remains stuck in a distorted mirror, only visible of flaws.

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