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Danny and Jane had weekly recording sessions every Sunday until nearly a season had passed. It was around late December and they almost finished creating their new album, Science and Faith. Although a lot of time has passed between them, their feelings were considerably the same as the first time they met. Only a few whisps of steamy moments passed.

Danny learned a lot about Jane the past few months, like her insecurities, past, and fears. He believes her mind is at a fixed, sad state because she does not see herself as Danny does. He still found beauty even in her hideous qualities. Jane also learned a lot about Danny. He wasn't what the public had made him out to be. He wasn't the bad boy after a heartbreak, he was mushy and sweet. His smile said it all, or almost all of it. There was still an air of mystery around him, but Jane could solve part of the puzzle through his lyrics. They were always very heavyhearted and he didn't want to talk about their meaning.

Danny walked through the town's streets with sparkling white flakes falling onto his jet black hair. He looked around in the shops searching for a Christmas present worthy for Jane. Jewelry? No. Flowers? No. He continued passing by shops until he took a few steps backwards and saw his reflection. A mirror. He gaped at the sterling silver with floral accents, then dashed into the shop.

Jane was forced into a trip at the mall by Alice. After Alice had found another boy she adored in Pacsun, Jane took her chance and cruised off. She walked past an interesting vintage shop and decided to enter. It was filled with rusty trinkets and cute European postcards. She found a small heart lock with copper engraved music notes covering it. The lock came with a matching copper skeleton key which had french words carved into it. Ouvrez votre coeur. Open your heart. It was perfect.

Days passed and Alice returned home for winter break. Jane decided to stay and keep the dorm to herself for a few weeks. Christmas Day, packages came flying in from America. Presents clamored her tiny room, mostly on Alice's bed. Jane heard a light knocking on the door. Danny stood on the other side.

"Hey!" Jane said bouyantly. "Come in." She closed the door behind him and turned on the radio. A soft Christmas song flowed along their conversation.

"So I got you a gift," He held up a glittery decorated bag.

"Good, I got you something too," she searched around her desk for the present. "Here!" They both sat on the uncluttered bed and Danny opened his first.

He looked confused by the writing. "It means open your heart," Jane pointed out.

Danny thought for a moment, "Clever," he smiled with baby crows feet peaking from the sides of his eyes. "Thank you, now your turn."

Jane gingerly stuck her hand in the bag and lift up the mirror. The elegant mirror caught light coming in from the window and reflected a beam onto her face. She looked at her relfection in awe.

Danny leaned in next to her face in the reflection. "Now you can see the beauty I see."

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