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It was another depressing day at Westfield high and I had enough. I could smoke all the cigarettes I wanted but it still made me feel like shit.
I needed some real pleasure, something that was going to make me feel alive.

I arrived home half an hour early due to skipping class.
This school is bullshit..
The Teachers can't teach for shit and some wierd kid who sits next to me in chemistry sweats like there is no tomorrow.
Talking of wierd kids..
Jerome spoke to me today,his a funny guy.
His charming and sweet but my Dad begs to differ.
"Stay away from him Vi, his not going to bring you any good"my father says..
Of course he would say that because his one of his patients.
My dad believes that all his patients visit him because they need help.
He tried his therapist bullshit on me once before and I'm totally fine...Right?

I opened the door to my home and ran to my room.My Mom was out shopping and my Dad was visiting one of his patients at their home due to them being a "destruction"to society.
I dropped my light rucksack which contained 2 books, a packet of cigarettes and a razor, onto the oakwood bed.
I unzipped my bag a took out the sharp razor and held it in front of me like it was a piece of treasure.
I slowly crept out into the hallway making my way towards the bathroom a closed the door behind me.

Drip drop the sound of my blood made, whilst painting the white marble
This is the pleasure I needed. I looked at myself in the mirror above the sink and felt free.
No one is here to judge me or see my scars . I inhaled.
"If you're trying to kill yourself, cut vertically, they can't stitch that up" I rotated my head 90 degrees to see a boy around 17 gawking at me, pale skin and dirty blond hair covering his dark eyes.

"How did you get in here"i said in a panicking voice.
He rested his hand on the handle of the bathroom door and pulled it closer towards him "Also if you are trying to kill yourself, you might wanna try locking the door"he says coldly whilst closing it shut.

I look back at my reflection ashamed .I can't even cut myself properly.
I pick the razor up,wrapped it in a piece of tissue and place it in the back pocket of my black ripped jeans and headed into the hallway "Hey! How did you get in here" I said running down the stairs turning into each corner of the house trying to find this creep "Hey! Where are you, this is bullshit".I turn into my Dads office and see him sitting on the couch speaking to one of his patients "Dad, when did you get back"i say,face red with anger.
"Ive been back for a while, Violet can we speak later I'm with a patient".
I stand there still as my eyes fix on the young man my father was speaking to.
He crooks his head slowly turning in my direct.
Shit it's him.
He gives a genuine smile, dimples popping from ear to ear "Hi, I'm Tate".

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