His Dead

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As Violet led me up into her room, I stood behind her mocking her dainty walk.
She opened the wooden door which was now my heaven as I hated home, because of my mother who was probably there blowing someone.
Violet stood still in the door way
"What are you doing here" her voice spoke gently.
I didn't hear another voice, so I softly pushed her petite body to the side, to see what she was gawking at...
There sat a depressed teenage crackhead Tate.
Okay that was a bit harsh to say but his eyes were always bloodshot and always had dark circles around them, like he hadn't slept for years.
Can ghost sleep?
Or maybe his eyes were like that because he hated my guts for some reason I don't know why...
I'm delightful.

"Jerome this is Tate and Tate this is Jerome.I know you guys haven't met properly " Naive Violet spoke.

"Why hello, Tate,its nice to finally meet you" I said happily.

"Finally"he said confused.

Obviously me and Tate knew each other, but I didn't want Violet to know about our quite disturbing history together and I'm sure Tate wouldn't want me to tell Violet how much of a fuck up he is.

"Yes finally, I've heard so much about you..Most of the details come from your medical records that Dr Harmon has." the room was silent and I spoke again " I was just being nosey" I smirked.

He looked like he wanted to rip my tongue out, but that didn't faze me.

"Jerome what the hell, that was a pretty shitty thing to do" Violet said pissed off.

"Was it.." I laughed "opsey".

"Shut up" Tate said sternly, I could practically see the vain popping out of his neck.

I walked up to him, chest to chest and rose my hand near his shoulder.I moved my fingers next to his neck "pop" I laughed failing at the attempt to push that gigantic vain back into his throat.

Tate screamed head butting me in the nose.
"Tate it was a joke" I giggled
Blood spilling onto the floor boards.

"Like I said before, not everything is a fucking joke Jerome" Violet wined, she was getting annoying by the second.

I wiped the blood from my nose and dropped the smile that was tattooed onto my face.

I cleared my throat and spoke seriously" I'm sorry, it's just that I don't have alot of friends and first impressions are always important to me... I wanted you to think I was cool" I said disgusted at how desperate I sounded.
"Friends, you're like one of the coolest kids at school everyone knows who you are " Violet spoke.

"People only know him because his crazy" Tate murmured under his breath but I ignored it.

Violet walked closer towards me.
"Well I'm friends with both of you so we might aswell just all get along with eachother.I mean I'm an outcast, Jerome your a maniac and Tate you are a--"

"Psychopath" I chuckled......"kidding" I said sarcastically

"Actually... Tate may be the most normal one here" she smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"Yah I'm normal, completely sane" Tate said looking into my eyes.
His voice spoke those unrealistic words but his eyes spoke "Jerome I know we haven't been the best of friends for years but I really like Violet so don't fuck this up".

Well Tate I like her too and your not having her.

"So that movie" I said cheerfully.

"Oh yes what do you have in mind" Violet smiled back."Tate".

"OHH! I know maybe we can watch that documentary when those two boys shot up the school similar to Tat--" I was rudely interrupted by psycho himself.

"Or we can watch, I don't know the breakfast club" Tate said nervously.

"The Breakfast Club..Ermm sure why not" Violet said taking out her laptop.

As she reached for her device, Tate took his thumb and lined it against his neck signalling he was going to hurt me.

Ooooo I'm scared.

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