Thoughts part 1

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I finally introduced myself to Violet.It wasn't the best move hitting on her whilst she slit her wrist in the bathroom,but everyone has to start somewhere. .

On Thursday afternoon I had another appointment with
Dr .Harmon and I got angry when he asked a question that struck a nerve..

I am far from experienced when it comes to sex.I haven't even kissed a girl.
I mean back when i was a reckless teen I did watch porn alot and jerk off.Which teenage boy doesn't.
And now since Violet moved in,I think my hand is broken.

"So Tate how are you when it comes to sex"Dr Harmon said whilst writing in his brown leather note pad.
I dig deep into my brain to tell him one of my sick fantasys.
"I jerk off alot to get rid of the homicidal thoughts"this was partly true.

He rose his head from his note pad and looked at me concerned
"Do these thoughts happen all the time." Dr.Harmon said.

I was about to continue when I saw Violet in the passage smiling at me.She looked up to the ceiling indicating she was inviting me up into her room.I gave her a gentle nod trying not to make Her father notice and with that she exited.
And with that I started to think what her lips would feel like and the way she would scream my name when I was on top of her.

"Tate..are you with me"Dr Harmon rudely interrupted.
I wanted to make this quick so I made an 'excuse'
"Doc I feel sick I'm gonna go home now"

He looked up at the digital clock and turned back to me.
"Oh..okay you had 20 minutes left but we'll just leave it for another day".

I dragged my feet and held my stomach pretending I was going to vomit and made my way out into the hall.

As soon as I was out of Ben Harmons sight I started to walk normal again.
I walked to the front door and opened it..just to close it again.I needed to make him think I went home crying to my pathetic Mother Constence.

I turned back around and slowly creeped up the stairs trying to not make a sound.
When I finally got to the top of the stairs it felt like hours had gone past.I don't know why I didn't just transport myself up the stairs.Thats the pros of being a spirit.

I brushed my hair aside and neated out my clothes and stepped into my 'old' room.

Violet layed on the bed butt naked and looked me sensually into my eyes and called me over with her left index finger. ..

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