Full Metal Zombie

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I sit in the bed of the truck with Doc, Cassandra, and 10k talking about Z's as we wait for everyone else to finish their bathroom breaks so we can keep moving.

"I telling' you, there ain't nothing there." Doc says. "No thoughts, no memories, no soul, nothing."

"Well they're not dead. They want something." Cassandra says.

"Yeah, brains." I say.

"Hey I was gonna say that." Doc says.

"You can't want something if you not conscious, if you don't have a soul." Cassandra states.

"When my pa was wounded. He told me to tie him up before he turned." 10k starts. "Made me promise to show him mercy when he died. Kill the brain, you know? I couldn't do it, I couldn't hurt my pa, no matter what he become. I stared into his eyes for the longest time, looking for some sign he was still there."

"Did you see anything?" Cassandra asks. He shakes his head.

"What did you do?" Doc asks.

"Killed it." 10k stated sternly.

"Damn kid, you had to put down your own dad?" Doc said.

"Didn't kill him, killed it." 10k says almost shouting.

"But if it's not alive how did you kill it?" Cassandra asks.

"Piked it. Right here." He points between his eyes with his knife. "First kill." He looks down sadly. "I always wish he knew, you know, somehow I kept my promise."

Doc and Cassandra stare at him sadly. I rest my head on his shoulder and rub his back soothingly. Eventually the others get back into the truck and we start driving again. After driving for a while we stop at a fast food place to try to get in contact with Citizen Z. We try for hours before we actually get to talk to him and he tells us to go to some base in Virginia so we can get a helicopter. We do as he says and arrive at the base a few hours later. The ground was covered in dead bodies. The group goes up to the front door of the building while 10k and I stay in the bed of the truck and keep watch. The group talk to some soldier guy for a while before Doc goes in the building. Addy comes over too 10k and I.

"What's happening?" I ask.

"They wouldn't let us in but Doc was allowed to go in because he's a 'doctor' so he's gonna talk to the general about the helicopter." She explains. I nod.

We wait outside the building for a while until we hear a scream.

"That sounds like Doc." I state. We hear more screams.

"Oh that's Doc alright, but where the hell is he?" Warren asks.

"Somewhere up there." Cassandra looks at the building.

"We're going after him." Garnett says. The soldier the group was talking to earlier steps in front of Garnett.

"No you don't." The soldier says.

"Let us up now." Garnett demands harshly.

"Nobody goes upstairs without the generals orders." Garnett places the barrel of his gun against the soldiers check.

"We go up now or I scramble your egg-brain inside its shell." Garnett threats.

"You'll be sorry."

"So will you cuz your coming with us."

The soldier pushes a code in a keypad to open the door. Garnett looks over to 10k and I, who are still sitting in the bed of a truck.

"Nuka, 10k! Cover our flank, don't let man or zombie follow us up."

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