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"Ugh." I groan laying on the ground in the middle of the road. I hold my arm over my eyes trying to block out the blazing sun. We've run out of water a few days ago and now we're all scattered on in the middle of the street, somewhere in Nebraska. 10k who is laying beside me lift up his scarf above his face and squeezes the sweat out of in into his mouth. I cringe a little at the sight.

"I would say remind me not to kiss you but honestly, I don't blame you." I say. Doc walks over and sits on the curb next to Cassandra.

"I read once that you could drink your own urine. But all I'm pissin' is dust." He says.

"I know we're all dying of thirst but why is everyone resorting to drinking there own body fluids? That's not health." I say. Murphy walks up to Warren who is sitting on the hood of a car.

"Water isn't gonna find you just sitting there." He states.

"Why are you so freaking chipper?" She asks.

"I've been wondering that myself. Maybe it's cuz I conserve my precious bodily fluids." He says.

"Ding!" I say and they all look at me.

"What was that?" Doc asks.

"That was my bullshit director going off." I explain. Everyone let's out a small chuckle before we start hearing rumbling.

"What is that?" 10k asks sitting up from the ground. "Is it an earthquake."

"More like a zombiequake." Doc says. I look in the direction of the rumbling to see a herd of thousands of Z's coming towards us. We all get up and start running.

"This way!" Warren shouts entering a building. We follow her and another guy runs in before she closes the door. The bang on the door trying to get in. I take a seat on the floor and 10k lays down on his stomach next to me. Warren sits down at a desk, Doc sits on the floor with his back against the desk she's sitting at, and Cassandra sits in one of the chairs in the room while the new guy sits in a chair next to her.

"So that's it. We're all just gonna lie down and die?" Murphy says looking at all of us. He crouches down in front of Doc, who was asleep. Murphy shakes him causing him to Jump.


"Knock it off, Murphy." Warren says with her head down on the desk.

"Three days without water man. The human body hits the wall." Doc says.

"There must be thousands of them." Cassandra says looking out the window as the Z's walk past.

"Million. They're migrating." The new guy says.

"Migrating to where?" Warren asks.

"South for the winter."

"Z's don't like the cold." 10k says with his face pressed against the floor.

"Kid's got it. We had a place up in North Dakota near Fort Yates, quiet little place right on the river. Couple dozen of us having a go. I mean, zombie bison every once in a while, but that was as bad as it got. Then the rumbling started and never stopped." New guy explained.

"Well where'd they come from?" Murphy asks.

"Refugee camp up in Alberta. Over a million people. No food. No water. It got ugly. They all turned in a week."

"We shoulda kept running." Murphy says.

"You couldn't get around them?" I ask.

"This herd is miles wide. I mean it's got a mind of its own. You can't move fast enough to get around it. And every single thing it overruns just adds to its crowd. You know, fast zombies, healthy zombies, like the ones that just got my friend, Buck." He explain, before drinking something out of a flask.

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