Three months later

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I sit by the window of the house Addy and I share absentmindedly running my hand over my now noticeable baby bump. I'm now five months into my pregnancy, just four more to go then the baby and I can go off to find Tommy. I miss him so much, we talk on the walkies every night but I wish could she him.

"Hey Nuka." Addy says walking up to me.

"Hey Addy."

"Amy said you can come in for your check up now." She informs. I nod then leave the house and walk over to the infirmary where Amy, the doctor here, is supposed to check up on the baby. She gives me a friendly smile when I walk in and she motions for me to sit down. I take seat.

"Okay Nuka, today we're just gonna get and ultrasound and listen to the baby's heart beat to see how the baby's doing okay." She explains. I nod laying down. She lifts up my shirt and applying a cold jelly like substance. She places the stick for the ultrasound on my stomach and a thumping sound starts.

"Is that the heartbeat?" I ask. She nods.

"Would you like to see the baby?" She asks. She point to a monitor and the room and my heart stops.

 She point to a monitor and the room and my heart stops

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I smile at the sight.

"My baby."

"Would you like to know if it's a boy or a girl?" Amy asks.

"No. I want it to be a surprise." I say shaking my head. She prints out the picture and hands it to me.

"Baby looks health. Just four more months until they're here."

"Thank you."

"No problem. You should probably go home now. It's pretty late." She says. I nod then exit the infirmary.

"Addy I'm home!" I shout once I enter the house.

"Hey Nuka, come here your gonna want to see this!" She shouts from her room.

"What is it?"

"I know how much you miss 10k and the group so I was talking to Citizen Z about trying to find a way to video chat with them." She explains. I walk through the door to see her sitting at her desk with a laptop. On the screen of the laptop was Citizen Z in one window and the group in the other. I rush over to the laptop shove Addy out of chair.

"Oh my god hi!" I say. They all laugh at me.

"Damn that baby bump has gotten bigger." Doc say.

"I didn't know a pregnant girl can move so fast." Addy says pulling up a chair next to me. Tommy moves from behind everybody so I can see him better and he smiles.

"I miss you guys." I say.

"We miss you too." 10k says back.

"I got something I want to show you." I say pulling the picture of the ultrasound out of my pocket and hold it up for them to see. They all smile and 10k looks at it in awe.

"So did you find out if it's a boy or girl?" Warren asks.

"No I asked them not to tell me. I want it to be a surprise. How's everything going with you guys?"

"Well we just got Murphy back, some people ruffied us and kidnapped him. And we found out zombies can do 'the nasty' if they're on Viagra." Doc explains.

"Zombie porn. Fun." I say sarcastically. They all laugh. "I can't wait to see you guys again."

"We can't wait either." Cassandra says.

"Hey guys, why don't we give 10k and Nuka some privacy." Addy suggest. They all nod and leave the room they were in leaving 10k and Addy leaves.

"Hey baby." I says.


"I miss you so much."

"I miss you too. I wish you were here Nora."

"I wish I was too, but we just got to wait a little bit longer." I say. He looks back at the door the other went through to leave then back at me.

"Cassandra's not doing to good, her infection is getting worse." He explains. I look at him confused.

"I thought the fixed that when you guys were here."

"They helped it, but they didn't fix it completely. I don't know if she can go much further. She getting weaker, she can hardly walk."

"I hope she'll pull through."

"10k!" I hear Warrens voice shout.

"I got to go. I love you."

"I love you too." I say and he leaves the room. I close the laptop and exit the room.

"Hey." Addy says when I walk into the living room.

"Hey. Thanks, I needed that."

"You're welcome. It's pretty late we get some sleep." She says I nod and we go off to our separate rooms. I lay on my bed in the dark staring at the picture of my baby. I run my hand over a stomach.

"I can't wait until you're born. You and I will go find your daddy and be a little family, a family of bad asses. You're father and I will never let anything hurt you, because your our precious little angel." I say softly before drifting of to sleep.

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