Chapter 1: I Won't Wash My Hand!!

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~Len's P.O.V~

"Len-kun, let's eat. Rin will be fine. She's always like this." Miku said as she smiled warmly at me. I blushed.

It's not the time to blush, idiot!

"Len-kun, where's your bento?" She asked me while smiling. "Hm? O-oh, I forgot to bring it, haha." I laughed nervously. She held my hand. "I will share my bento with you! Come with me!!" She smiled widely. I widened my eyes at the scene.

Why is she holding my hand? No no no no no!! It's not like what you think, stupid! She doesn't like you or something!! You're just her new friend!!

"What are you waiting for? Come on!!" She said. "Eh? Err, okay." I said. "Yay!" She lead me to her bento.

Like I can't see it.

"Here!" She opened it and... Just wow. How much does she likes leeks? Leeks on the right, leeks on the left, leeks sandwich and leeks salad. "You don't like leek, I guess. hehe." She smiled sadly. "No no! I'm fine with it!!" I raised my hands.

Thank godness, mom forced me to eat leeks when I was young. At least, I can eat it with her.

"Really? I'm really glad to hear that!" She said happily as she smiled widely. "Let's eat!!" She took one of the leeks and began eating. I just stared at her.

Woah, she really likes leeks! Those leeks won't be my rival!! I'll eat them so she will fell in love with me!!

No, it's impossible. -.-

"Aren't you hungry?" She asked me. "Uh, oh!! Haha, sorry." I rubbed my neck. I began eating after that.

Time skip

"Woah! We finished in no time!!" Miku grinned. "D-do you like leeks?" I asked her. "Yes! I love them!!" She replied happily.

She's still smiling even if she's sad. That's a good point.

"Let's chat for a while. What happened to Rin?" Miku asked. "Rin? Oh that little bi--" I covered my mouth. "Little bi?" She looked at me questioningly.

"Bi.... beautiful little sister of mine!! Hehehe." I lied. "But she is older than you." She said.

Damn it!! What should I do now?!

"No! She is shorter than me!! That's what I meant!!" I replied. She smiled. "You're so funny, Len-kun." She said.

She held my hand which made me surprised and she kissed it. I blushed madly. "That's how I treat my best friends! Hehe!!" She grinned.

"Th-then, I'm your best friend?" I asked her. "Yup!" She replied happily. I smiled shyly. "I see."

Time skip

When I returned to home, I saw Rin smirking. "Did you confess?" She asked me while grabbing an orange. "Not yet." I replied.

"Why?! She can't reject anyone!! I'm sure she won't reject you!!" She yelled at me. "I'm not ready yet." I replied coldly.

"Huh! Stupid twin." She looked away from me.

"Hm? Len, I see a little shade of pink on your cheeks. What happened?" She began coming close to my face.

Great! How did she saw it?!

"Tell me now." She ordered. "Okay, okay! Sh-she kissed my h-hand." I said. "Oh, great beginning. Go wash your hands because I made the dinner." She said.

"R-Rin... I..." I mumbled. "Hm? What do you want?" She looked at me. "I WON'T WASH MY HAND!!!!!!" I screamed. "Eh?!" She widened her eyes in shock.

After that, she smiled happily. "THAT'S THE LEN I LOVE!!!" She yelled back. I grinned widely.

"Now, go wash your hands."



Hi! How are you guys? Finally, I'm feeling much better than before, but I'm still sick. -.-.... I have other plans for today, since Naori-chan and the othersare coming.

Sorry for the short chapter. Well, I guess this story will be short, that's why most of the chapters will be short. Just like 600 words only. Sorry guys.

Oh! I have an account in instagram!! Who wants to follow me, here's the account: @vocaloid_shinko.

Thanks for reading!!

Your lazy author,


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