Chapter 5: Stupid.

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Rin's P.O.V

"Eh? What do you mean?" I asked him. "I mean I won't fall in love again, baka." Len looked at me with his blue eyes.

"No, I mean when you said you will believe me and only me--" "Because you're my sister, and I won't believe anyone else." His look changed to an annoyed look.


"After what happened with me and Miku, I will begin a new life and open a new blank page. I will fill my new story with happiness." Len smiled.

"I agree with you, so I will help you!" I grinned.

From now on, no more love stories.

Miku's P.O.V

I'm stupid! I'm really stupid!! If I just apologised, I won't lose my best friends...

I walked alone to my house. "Mikuo, I'm home." I said, but there weren't any reply.

"Mikuo?" I looked for someone, but I can't find anyone.

After minutes, I found a letter in the kitchen.

Dear Miku,

I'm sorry, but I will be late for today because I heard one of my friends is back from London, so I will bring him to our house.

If you don't want to be alone, go to the Kagamines and sleep with them.

Good night, sis.

"As if they will give me a warm welcome."

I went to my room and laid myself in my bed.

If I said the truth, Rin and Len will be my friends again, huh? I don't even know what is the truth.

Do I like him? No, it's impossible. I just know he loves me. Then, why do I regret breaking his heart? Because I'm not that kind of person who likes seeing people hurting and suffering. I'm not a sadist!

Do I have a chance to apologise to him? Yes, but I don't know if he will forgive me. If he forgive me, Rin will forgive me too.

How can I apologise? I don't want to apologise in front of everyone at school, so I will apologise by calling him. I remember exchanging phone numbers with him.

Why not calling him now?

"Great idea!!"

I called Len's number. I waited for few seconds, and he picked up.


"Thank godness, you picked up!"

"Who's talking?"

"It's me, Miku."

"And, what do you want?"

"I wanted to say..... I'm sorry.."

"You must be kidding me! I'm sorry, I don't feel well. You can talk to me after school."


Maybe I have a chance! I will find the truth and I will tell him.

What is the truth anyway? I will ask Rin about it.

Wait, oh.. right. Rin hates me now. Haha.

I will ask Luka, then.

I began texting Luka.


'Hi, Luka. How are you?'
   ~Leek lover~


"Please reply, please reply, please reply, please reply, please reply!"


'Oh, hi, Miku-chan. I'm fine. What about you?'

'I'm fine, thank you. I wanted to ask you something.'
  ~Leek lover~

'Go ahead.'

'Thanks. I have a weird feeling of.....'


(A/N: sorry guys, I have to :P)

Miku's P.O.V

Next Day, after school.

I went to the library, where I can find Len into.

I'm nervous. I finally knew the truth.

I will not tell Len-kun about it, he will know someday.

I opened the door to see Len-kun reading a book.

"Len-kun?" "Wow, you really know where I am. Good point." He looked at me.

His look was completely different, it wasn't the happy look I liked, it was serious and scary.

"L-Len.. Kun..." I tried to apologise. "No need to apologise." He replied.


"Don't get it wrong. I will not forgive you."

"But... Why?"

"Until you tell me the truth. And I don't think I will believe you."


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