Chapter 4: A Broken Heart.

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Len's P.O.V

"Len-kun.... I.... Love...."

It's that moment!

"Lenn!! The dinner is ready!!!" Rin shouted. "Eh?" And now, Miku got up.

"Len-kun? What are you doing here?" She asked me. "Long story short, Mikuo left the house and we are helping you to recover." I replied sadly.

"I see..." She looked at the ground. "Y-you didn't hear anything, right?" She said with a slight blush on her face. "H-hear what?" I looked at the window. "I-if you didn't, Th-then it's fine!" She said. I sighed.

At least, I still have a chance. Right?

"I SAID THE DINNER IS READY!!!!!!! Miku! You're fine!! Thank god." Rin said turning from a monster to an angel.

"I'm just happy to see the both of you." Miku smiled. "MIKU WE WILL SLEEP HERE FOR TONIGHT!!!! LET'S WATCH SOME MOVIES!!!!!!" Rin yelled. "Rin, it's not that kind of a sleepover you know." I said. "It's okay, Len-kun. I'm alright for now. It was just a fever." Miku faked a smile. "Okay.." I said.

"Let's eat! I made a leek soup for Miku!!" Rin said. "Really? Thanks!!" Miku grinned.

We ate dinner and chatted for a while, then we went to sleep. I slept in Mikuo's room because I'm a guy so I can't sleep with girls.

"At least, I will relax here."

Time Skip

"Good morning, Len!" Rin greeted. "Good..... morning..." I replied. "Len-kun? What's wrong?" Miku asked. "Nothing. Nothing at all." I said.

"Sorry." Miku apologised. "It was because of us, right? Because we were watching a horror movie which made us scared as hell and we screamed so you had a headache and you didn't sleep well. I'm so sorry." Miku bowed. "Wha-? HOW DID YOU KNOW MIKU??!!!" Rin shouted.

"You... You don't have to apologise! Really!!" I waved my hands in the air. "Len-kun..." Miku smiled.

Nothing much happened in this day, but we have a big surprise waiting for us in the other day.

I was walking with Miku peacefully in the hallway, until we saw this yandere girl which named Tei coming towards us with her friends.

"Lenny!! What are you doing with this stupid leek monster??" She asked me. "How dare you?!" Miku said. "Tei, Miku is just my friend." I said. "Yeah, his friend. Nothing more, nothing less." Miku said.

Wow, that hurts.

"Really? Well, I want to tell you something." Tei said pointing at Miku. "What is it?" Miku glared at her. "Lenny is mine and only mine. No one can take him away from me." Tei said proudly.

"Hahaha, so funny. And who told you I love him?" Miku asked. "Admit it." Tei glared at Miku. "I don't even like him! I like someone else. Len-kun is just. A. Friend." Miku said which made my heart brake into little pieces.

"Good." With that only word, Tei left with her friends.

"Let's complete what we were doing." Miku smiled. I just froze there. "Len-kun?" Miku said. "Sorry, I need to go to the bathroom." I lied. "O-oh Okay." Miku said.

I ran in the hallways. Everyone were looking at me.

"Len! Lenn!!" I heard a familiar voice. "Rin?" "Len? Why are you crying? What happened?" Rin asked worriedly. "Miku... Said... I'm just a friend... Nothing more, nothing less..." I said.

"Miku did?!" Rin gasped. I nodded my head. "Something's wrong.. Miku knows you like her.." At that moment, I had a heart attack.

"I... Want... To go home..." I said. You can tell I was crying from my voice. "Okay. I will tell the teacher about you. Just go home and take a rest." She said with a small smile. I nodded then walked away from her.

Rin's P.O.V

Something happened to Miku. There's something wrong with her.
I want to see Miku, now!

I saw her standing in front of the classroom. "Miku!" I shouted. "Hm? Rin-chan! Where were you?" She replied happily. "I was searching for you." I said.

"Really? Me too! By the way, did you see Len-kun?" She asked worriedly. "Oh, Len! I saw him!" I said with a smile. "Really? Where?" She asked. "He was running in the hallway." I said. "What?!" Miku yelled. "Crying." I completed as my smile disappeared.

"What happened?" "Like you don't know." I glared at her. "What do you mean?" Her eyes changed from the innocent ones, to the serious ones. "Len is crying because of you."

"What did I do?" Miku glared at me. "Brake his heart to a small pieces. Like a glass of water." I answered her.

"Oh, and how?" Miku asked. "Ha! And you're asking?" "Yeah, because what I said is the truth." I was about to punch her. "So, you don't care if you lose your friend because you said the truth?"

"Yes." She answered coldly. "What if you lost your childhood best friend because of the truth?" I asked her. "That will not happen." She replied proudly.

"Miku Hatsune, I'm not your friend anymore. Because your truth is all a lie and you will know what I mean someday." I said as I left.

I can hear her say, "WHAT?!! It's a lie! You will talk to me tomorrow or any other day! I'm sure of it!" "Ha, I will not until you find the truth." And I left her alone.

After all those long hours in school, I finally returned home.

"I'm home." I said. "Welcome home." Len replied.

He wasn't the Len I know, he was different. His blonde hair was messy and his big ocean blue eyes were red.

"How do you feel now?" I asked. "Worse than before." He replied. "How much tears escaped from your beautiful big eyes?" I teased to change his mood. "Millions." He replied. "Cool." I smirked.

"I'm sure you'll find someone better than her."

"I'm sure I won't." He replied coldly. "Eh? Why?"

"From now on, I will not believe any girl. Just you and only you, Rin."

My Weird Love Life. (Miku x Len)Where stories live. Discover now