Chapter 7: The End?

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Len's P.O.V

"E-eh? You l-love-- What the..?" I was shocked. "Yes, I love you. I really do.. I'm sorry about everything... I.." She replied.

"C-can I kiss you?"

Those words...!!

"No no! This isn't good, Miku-chan. He should ask you." This familiar voice said.

"R-Rin?!" Miku said, surprised and happy at the same time. "Yo, it's been a while since we talked that day." Rin grinned. "I mean... hihihi.." Rin's grin began fading.

"I'm sorry, Miku.. It's my fault..." Rin said. "I regret everything... I'm sorry because I told you that words.. you know.." Rin began crying.

"No need to apologise. I forgive you, Rin. I should apologise too." Miku patted her shoulder. "You two don't need to apologise..." Rin and Miku looked at me.

"Because it's all my fault." I said. Rin's eyes began sparkling.

"Yeah, it's all his fault. Right, Miku?" "Yeah, that's right."

Those two are just so--!!!

"But after all, everything will return to normal. Nothing happened at all!" Miku smiled. "Even if Len cried because of Miku, I will just ignore him! His face was funny~." Rin began teasing me.

I shot her a death glare meaning to stop it. She smirked. "I think I saw this earlier." Miku sweat dropped.

"Good thing we are friends! I will go for now! Cuz I am busy." Rin said. "And because I want you two to stay alone~ hihi♡" Rin mumbled. "Heard that." I glared at her.

"See you later!!" Rin ran away. I sighed.

"So?" Miku said. "What is your reply?" Miku smiled. "Marry me?" I said. "Oh god!" She laughed. "Of course it was a joke." I laughed with her.

"So, when did this feeling hit you?" I asked. "Since middle school." Miku said. "Wow." I whispered. "What about you?" She said. "Same." I replied coldly.

"I see." She looked at the ground. I was amazed by her look. Her small nose, her smooth and white skin, her beautiful smile..

"And her pink lips.." When I heard those words, I was blushing really hard. "Wanna try them?" She completed.

Why is this girl so..?

"I.. um..." I didn't know what to say. And suddenly, I felt a pair of lips crashing into mine. I blushed madly at first, but then I kissed her back.

Kaito's P.O.V

"Look at them, Mei-chan! They are soooo cuuuuutee!!" I whispered.

"Yes, that's right! At first I hated Miku because I was one of those fangirls, and then I began shipping them." Meiko said.

"Y-you were one of his fangirls?!" I asked. "Yeah. Tei said I should join them." She replied while still looking at Miku and Len. "Then, why did you leave?" I asked her. "Because... I already love someone." She blushed.

"Really? Finally! Congrats, Mei-chan!!" I smiled, but from the inside I am braking into pieces.

"I know you don't even know this person who I love.." She said. "Eh? What do you mean?" "Your smile isn't a real one." She completed.

"You're stupid.." She came closer to my face. "It's you." She whispered and kissed my cheek.

I blushed. "Mei-chan..." I said. "I love you too!!" I almost yelled. She smiled.

"Stupid ice cream lover."

Rin's P.O.V







"Rin-chan?" Gumi said. "I JUST CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!!" I screamed. "Shh!!! We're in class!!" She said. "Sorry.." I said.

"Sorry, we're late!" Miku and Len showed up in the classroom. "Don't worry, the class didn't start yet." Gumi said.

"I will go to my class now. See you later!" Gumi said. "See you later, Gumi-senpai." Miku said.

Then the bell rang.

"Class began.. Ahh.." I sighed.

"Attention class. We have a new student." Our teacher, Haku-sensei said.

I don't wanna say 'Yowane' sensei, because I don't know how to write it. Really.

So I see Haku-sensei is okay.

"Utatene-kun, come here." She said.


"Hi, my name is Utatene Piko, and I'm 16 years old. Nice to meet you all." He said.

"Nice to meet you too! Go to this seat beside Rin Kagamine, the one with the--" "Wait, Rin is here?!!" He asked.

"So, you know Rin." Haku-sensei said. "Yes!" He smiled. "This is good!" Haku-sensei smiled.

"Okay then! Sit next to Rin." She said. And Piko came to sit beside me.

"Let's start our lesson for today." Haku-sensei said.

Time skip

"So, Rin. How's life?" Piko asked. "Good! How about you?" I replied. "As good as ever!" He grinned. "That's great!"

"Oi, Rin!" Len shouted. "Oh, Len and also Miku. What is it?" I asked. "Who's Piko? For you." Miku asked and pointed at me.

I knew what she was talking about, so I just answered by, "He's my boyfriend." I answered.

"What?!" Len asked. "Yeah. As you heard." Piko said.

"When.. You-- how..? Never mind." Len said.

We chatted and talked for long time. And we left to our home.

Time skip

Two years later..

"Mikuo-senpai!" I shouted. "Oh, Rin. How are you?" He asked. "I'm fine! What about you?" I replied. "I'm fine, thank you. Did you see Miku?" He asked.

"No, isn't she with you?" I asked. "If she was with me, I wouldn't be asking you." He replied. "Oh, right. Haha.." I said.

"Mikuo nii-san! Rin-chan!!" Miku shouted. "There you are!" I said.

"Oh, Len. You're here too." Mikuo said. "Yeah. I was talking with Miku about something." Len said.

"About what?" I asked. "Rin-chan, Mikuo nii-san.. Me and Len want to tell you something." Miku said.
"Hm? What is it?" Mikuo asked.

"M-me and Len are going to be parents soon.. I'm pregnant."

"Wha- when.. how... LEN! WHEN DID YOU--?!!" I almost yelled. No, actually I did.

"Congrats!" Mikuo said happily. "And I'm still single.." He cried.

"Don't worry, senpai. You will find someone who loves you, haha." I smirked.

We were happy. And we laughed too much.

This was Len's weird love story, and this is the end.

Thank you very much for your reading!

The End.

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